Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×16 “Blade Runners”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×16 “Blade Runners”

Warning: If you have not seen tonight’s episode, “Blade Runners,” then beware spoilers ahead! Summary:  The episode begins with Sam researching the Cain and Abel story while Dean tries to contact Crowley. After a funny drunk dialing instance (where we find out that Dean is “Not Moose” in Crowley’s phone), we cut to a post-coital…

Supernatural Reviews In 500 Words or Less:  9.13 – “The Purge”

Supernatural Reviews In 500 Words or Less: 9.13 – “The Purge”

No doubt about it, we tend to be a bit verbose here at The Winchester Family Business.  We all love to pick apart every little detail and try to find hidden messages/metaphors/parallels/references, and it usually results in some very lengthy pieces that makes heads spin.  While there are fans that thrive on that kind of…

Nate Winchester’s Remix of Supernatural 9.15 – “#THINMAN”

Nate Winchester’s Remix of Supernatural 9.15 – “#THINMAN”

Confession time loyal reader: I had been studying the transcript of this episode provided by the always awesome Supernatural wiki when I uncovered a terrible, earth-shattering secret! It’s not obvious but through complicated and mystical techniques, I was able to unearth these deleted scenes from the episode, with some parts from the transcript left in…

Flow Like Water – a Reflection on Supernatural’s “Captives”

Flow Like Water – a Reflection on Supernatural’s “Captives”

Usually I would write a “Threads” recap of this week’s episode, “#Thinman”. To be honest, though, I didn’t see many hidden meanings or clues that need to be examined. After watching it, I felt like I was the victim of blunt force trauma from the blatantly obvious parallels made between the Ghostfacers’ team and Sam…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×15 “Thinman”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×15 “Thinman”

Warning: If you have not seen tonight’s episode, “Thinman,” then beware spoilers ahead! Summary:  This episode was quite anvilicious, I must admit.  But much was saved by the appearance of my favorite Supernatural guest character/stars – ED AND HARRY!!! The Ghostfacers!!! (And they had their theme song in here too….that was comforting even if the…

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 9.14 – “Captives”

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 9.14 – “Captives”

Robin’s Rambles, Season 9, Episode 14, Captives Summary Bunker, a specter! Dean listens to rock. Lights blink. Sam grabs a sword when Dean calls. Sam and Dean meet. The bunker is haunted, despite the sigils. Whoever it is died here. It’s not Kevin, Dean burned him.  Funeral. A man breaks away. Castiel grabs him. Metatron?…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×14 “Captives”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×14 “Captives”

Warning: If you have not seen tonight’s episode, “Captives,” then beware spoilers ahead! Summary:  This episode opens with a haunting…and Billy Squier (always a win in my book). The bunker is haunted by the ONE AND ONLY KEVIN TRAN. You know, the Kevin Tran that was killed unnecessarily? After going back and forth about how…