Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 8

Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 8

As I was looking for a way to pass the quarantine doldrums, I saw Entertainment Weekly’s list of what it considered to be the 75 most ‘essential’ episodes of Supernatural, leading up to Season 15. Since any excuse for a rewatch is a good excuse, I figured I’d not only invite my Supernatural “Team Free Will North…

Supernatural Season 8 Binge-Watch: A Flash Review by sweetondean

I just finished my annual (sometimes bi-annual but the longer the show goes the tougher that is) series rewatch. Season 1 – 8. Every episode. Even those that make me wince a little. When I got to season 8, I realised I hadn’t watched the entire season in one hit since the season finished…which is…

The Supernatural Season Eight Enigma of Sam Winchester’s Hair

The Supernatural Season Eight Enigma of Sam Winchester’s Hair

  Yes, it’s finally time for our most anticipated annual tradition!  When I look back at all that amazing footage during the season gone past and dig deep to what really matters, how did Sam’s hair fare?  The results, as they usually do, can evoke all sorts of responses.     This year, I’m offering…

A Look Back at Supernatural Season 8: Musings From Bamboo24

A Look Back at Supernatural Season 8: Musings From Bamboo24

Author’s Note: I usually don’t write this kind of thing, but after that phenomenal finale I was compelled to write up something that connected the dots of the journey through season eight as I saw them.  Not everyone liked season eight and not everyone connected the dots the way I did, and that’s okay.  I…

The WFB Supernatural Season Eight Awards – Administrators’ Choice

The WFB Supernatural Season Eight Awards – Administrators’ Choice

  The fans have spoken, and now it’s our turn!  The Winchester Family Business Admins – Ardeospina, sweetondean, and Alice – have complied a list of awards for Supernatural Season 8 using totally unscientific, completely subjective, and  somewhat questionable methods.  Just like in prior seasons, these awards were selected by bored minds who have had…