Reviews That I Missed:  Supernatural 9.06 – Heaven Can’t Wait

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.06 – Heaven Can’t Wait

“Heaven Can’t Wait” is one episode where I didn’t remember ever seeing it or what it was about.  So, for such a forgettable episode, this rewatch took me by surprise.  It was actually good.  A well deserved character study for Castiel based on his new circumstances as a human, and a smaller yet effective glimpse…

Behind the Scenes at Family Business Beer Company, Plus FBBC Art Contest!

Behind the Scenes at Family Business Beer Company, Plus FBBC Art Contest!

Have you wondered what it’s like to work at a brewery associated with a famous person? How do you balance fandom with growing your beer drinking audience? These are questions Gino Graul, CEO of Family Business Beer Company (FBBC), has had to grapple with since setting up shop in the Hill Country of Texas. I…

Interview with Gotham Knights Costume Designer Jennifer May Nickel

Interview with Gotham Knights Costume Designer Jennifer May Nickel

Halloween may have come and gone, but that doesn’t mean we still can’t enjoy thinking and talking about great costuming! It fact, I found out during my conversation with Gotham Knights costume designer, Jennifer May Nickel, that it’s a common misconception that costumers like Halloween! Apparently, she prefers putting the costumes on others much more…

Alice’s Re-Review: Supernatural 9.05 – “Dog Dean Afternoon”

Alice’s Re-Review: Supernatural 9.05 – “Dog Dean Afternoon”

Something fun happened while going through our recent conversion here at the WFB.  I’ve had to do a lot of archive cleanup and what do you know, I found some season nine reviews that I actually did.  One of those just happened to be “Dog Dean Afternoon.”  So, was it a good review?  Not really. …

Caption This! #364

Caption This! #364

Somedays I sit there and think about all the struggles Sam & Dean had in Supernatural. Fighting monsters, demons, angels, God himself and even trying to raise a kid! Yet still I would take almost any of that over trying to judge Caption this! Y’all did not disappoint me and Mr. Fizzles in our previous…

Caption this! #363

Caption this! #363

Who knew sandwiches would be so popular among the captioneers? I was delighted with all the entries we got in our previous contest. It was sooooo hard to pick out a winner. PollyAnna had a great variant off the show’s actual line. AlyCat22 had some great ingredient jokes while Marion made us laugh with some…

Reviews That I Missed:  Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

“Slumber Party” is an odd duck for me.  I don’t think it’s a bad episode.  It’s well constructed, tells a unique story, and doesn’t have me shouting out “WTF???” on continuity or plotting.  The issue I have with it is that I’m not a huge fantasy fan.  I get it, Charlie is from a different…