Deb’s Top 10 – The Good, the Bad & the Random Supernatural 15.13

Deb’s Top 10 – The Good, the Bad & the Random Supernatural 15.13

Editor’s Note: In anticipation of Supernatural’s final season resuming on Oct. 8th, The CW has rerun several of the initial 13 episodes from season 15. To get us all back into the groove of watching and discussing each story, Deb has been sharing her recap reviews of the good, the bad and the random of each…

Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 7

Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 7

As I was looking for a way to pass the quarantine summer doldrums, I saw Entertainment Weekly’s list of what it considered to be the 75 most ‘essential’ episodes of Supernatural, leading up to Season 15. Since any excuse for a rewatch is a good excuse, I figured I’d not only invite my Supernatural “Team Free Will…

The LGBTQ Road So Far – A Fan’s Take on the Evolution of Characters’ Sexual Identity on Supernatural

The LGBTQ Road So Far – A Fan’s Take on the Evolution of Characters’ Sexual Identity on Supernatural

  Dean: “Dude, could you be more gay?!” Sam: (looking flustered) Dean: “Don’t answer that.” Back in the season three episode “Bedtime Stories” (3.05), that’s how Dean responded to Sam’s question about whether or not he remembered the story of Cinderella.  

Supernatural’s Mama and Kevin Tran – Innocent Prophet

Supernatural’s Mama and Kevin Tran – Innocent Prophet

“The most distressing thing that can happen to a prophet is to be proved wrong. The next most distressing thing is to be proved right.” ” ― Aldous Huxley   My fourth Supernatural character tribute is Kevin Tran aka Kevin freaking Solo + as a bonus, Mama Tran. He got pulled into the Winchester world suddenly and unsuspectingly…

Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 6

Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 6

As I was looking for a way to pass the quarantine summer doldrums, I saw Entertainment Weekly’s list of what it considered to be the 75 most ‘essential’ episodes of Supernatural, leading up to Season 15. Since any excuse for a rewatch is a good excuse, I figured I’d not only invite my Supernatural “Team Free Will…

Breathtaking Photos of Supernatural’s J2 and J2M: Jared, Jensen and Misha!

Breathtaking Photos of Supernatural’s J2 and J2M: Jared, Jensen and Misha!

If you’ve been following The Winchester Family Business‘ “Breathtaking Photos” series, you know that I’ve had this idea for a while. What if I put together a series of our favorite photos of Supernatural‘s lead stars and characters? I’m not talking about the good pictures, or even the really good pictures, because, let’s be honest,…

Deb’s Top 10 – The Good, the Bad & the Random Supernatural 15.12

Deb’s Top 10 – The Good, the Bad & the Random Supernatural 15.12

Editor’s Note: In anticipation of Supernatural’s final season resuming on Oct. 8th, The CW is rerunning several of the initial 13 episodes from season 15. To get us all back into the groove of watching and discussing each story, Deb has agreed to share her recap reviews of the good, the bad and the random…

Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 5

Picking Supernatural’s 75 Essential Episodes – Season 5

As I was looking for a way to pass the quarantine doldrums, I saw Entertainment Weekly’s list of what it considered to be the 75 most ‘essential’ episodes of Supernatural, leading up to Season 15. Since any excuse for a rewatch is a good excuse, I figured I’d not only invite my Supernatural “Team Free Will North…