Supernatural Finale 15.20 “Carry On”–Unsure How to Do So

Supernatural Finale 15.20 “Carry On”–Unsure How to Do So

My heart is currently residing in my stomach. In a good way. Thursday, I tweeted: Good morning. I’m not quite sure how to feel today. But what I do know is that no matter which way this cookie crumbles, this family will never end. The community that has been built around this miracle of a…

Ratings for Supernatural 15.20 ‘Carry On’

From TV Line Ratings: Supernatural Draws Largest Audience in Nearly 2 Years With Finale   Nearly 1.4 million viewers witnessed the Winchester Bros.’ swan song on Thursday, which represented Supernatural‘s largest audience since April 2019. It also marked The CW’s biggest total-viewer tally in the Thursday-at-9 pm time slot since an Arrow episode in Jan….

Threads: Supernatural Finale 15.20 “Carry On”

The Morning After That’s the last time I’ll write those words about Supernatural. The Morning After. The morning after a new episode of Supernatural has aired. The morning when I try to capture my first impressions and the emotional impact an episode inspired before there’s time to logically analyze and explain, or emotionally process and…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural Finale 15.20 “Carry On”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural Finale 15.20 “Carry On”

The Long Road Home:  the first hour of the final airing of Supernatural was a retrospective with brief clips of lines and bits of scenes from over the years interspersed with the cast and crew talking about different aspects of the show.  Each section was highlighted by a different title such as Baby, Resurrection, Last…

It’s Official, Lawrence Kansas Is the Home  of Supernatural’s Sam and Dean Winchester

It’s Official, Lawrence Kansas Is the Home of Supernatural’s Sam and Dean Winchester

Supernatural: Lawrence, Kansas Officially Proclaimed Hometown of Sam and Dean Winchester by Mayor   Jared Padalecki tweeted.   This is incredible @lawrenceks. We couldn’t be more proud to make it official!! Now, can we do anything about those speeding tickets?… asking for a friend (she’s a real Baby…) — Jared Padalecki (@jarpad) November 18,…

Alice’s Review:  “Supernatural” 15.19, “Inherit the Earth”

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 15.19, “Inherit the Earth”

I’ve been doing these reviews for a while.  I’ve written these as a fan girl in fit of excitement, nervous wreck, sobbing mess, livid ranting lunatic, bored out of my wit and the too often feeling of “meh”.  So yeah, how do I categorize this one?  The penultimate episode where low expectations were barely met…

Thoughts on Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit the Earth”

Thoughts on Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit the Earth”

Thoughts on Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit the Earth” The penultimate episode, “Inherit the Earth” promised a lot, especially on the heels of last week’s sweeping devastation. Over the months, this episode has been marketed as a “season finale” style vs episode twenty’s “series finale” air. So, did it deliver?