Recap:  “Home”

Recap: “Home”

Sure, it only took six months of unfulfilled promises, but in honor of elle2’s season one articles of late, I bring you a long deserved episode recap of “Home.”    I’ll just say it right now, this is one of my all time favorite episodes. It was the episode that sucked me in for good after…

The Music, Season One

The Music, Season One, a Companion to: The Road So Far series:   Since we’re working hard to make this a ‘go to’ spot for many, and I have to actually GO to work many days of the week and NOT write articles, I thought I’d introduce some ‘lighter fare’ in between some of the meatier…

A Very Special Supernatural Fandom Public Service Announcement

A Very Special Supernatural Fandom Public Service Announcement

Every once in a while, it’s my duty to keep everyone informed on some important things going on in the fandom. There are good things that do come from the crazed (sorry, enthusiastic!) fans, and they deserve some mention.   First, the big Asylum convention in Birmingham, England is being held this weekend. Anyone going? Want to share your experiences? Just…

Season Four Awards

Season Four Awards

Awards are meaningless. They’re shallow, insipid, desperate attempts at giving a shred of relevance to the most trivial of things just for boosting egos or justifying paychecks. So, that would prevent me from holding the second annual Supernatural season awards, right? After all, why reduce season four to such rubbish like I shamelessly did for season three? Easy, because…

Reality Check – Season Five Is Not Supernatural’s Last Season and Dawn Ostroff Is Not Out To Destroy The Show

I’m rather embarrassed today to be a Supernatural fan. After the CW upfront presentation this morning, I went to various boards for some fair minded reaction to the new schedule. Sure, I usually limit my viewing of the network to Thursdays and have no interest in checking out their girl power teen shows, so any criticism I…

Supernatural Has A New Friend On Thursdays

Tomorrow morning is the upfront presentation for The CW, the last network (really it’s a netlet) to announce their fall schedule.  Reports started coming out late yesterday that a shakeup was planned with Thursdays, and the question was who would be affected, Smallville or Supernatural?  The answer was finally leaked this afternoon.  The answer:  Smallville. …

Hellatus Begins

  Here we are, Hellatus – as BuddyTV has termed the 17 – 20 week period that is now to be endured, or is that enjoyed. We here at the Winchester Family Business have adopted BuddyTV’s ‘Hellatus’ terminology for these next weeks and will be doing all we can to assist everyone [and, of course, ourselves]…

Supernatural: Biblical Ideas In Dark Melodrama

In my daily check of links, I stumbled upon this one thanks to the Supernatural TV message boards.  This is a MUST read for any serious fan.  It delves into Supernatural’s presentation of biblical theology.  The argument that the show is consistent with Evangelicalism is fascinating.  Give this a read, and we can discuss further…