Impala Moments

Impala Moments

Impala moments:   Sam, Dean and the Impala are indelible images from this series. Pick any season and you will find plenty to choose from, I present four that stand out to me, either because they have heavy emotional reveals or brotherly bonding; there are dozens more to choose and by no means do I suggest…

Hellatus Check, The Eight Week Mark

Hellatus Check #2   Since I’m only planning on four Hellatus Check articles one could infer that we’re halfway through…well, almost folks. According to the fabulous news from the CW we only have nine weeks remaining to the premier of Season 5. We are actually eight weeks through Hellatus, so we’re definitely gaining ground.   So what’s…

Ranking The Seasons

Ranking the seasons:   If you had to choose (and you don’t) which season would you rate as the best?   Season one had its ups and downs and didn’t find its footing until Home and even then, while Asylum, Scarecrow and Faith all were excellent followers there is still the little matter of Route…

Rock, Paper, Scissors – Winchester Style

I’m proud to offer another article from another guest columnist!  This one I don’t consider a stranger though.  Tigershire was the very first person to post comments on this site when I first started it back in October (back when I used a boring blue and white standard blog template thrown together in a day) and she’s remained loyal ever since. …