A Deeper Look at Season Four Sam Winchester

A Deeper Look at Season Four Sam Winchester

This time last year, rumblings in the fandom over Dean’s supposed lack of character development got me in a tizzy, so I wrote an article, “A Deeper Look at Season Three Dean Winchester” for blogcritics in response to that misconception.  I eventually followed it up with one about Sam and they got some discussion going.  This year, all…

Rank Them!

This was a quick little game I did to kill five minutes at work today.  Is it sophmoric and arbitrary?  Sure, but hey, it works.  Rank the season four episodes in order from best to worst.  The stipulation, you must do it in five minutes.  No cheating!  Here’s mine, and I did this in 4…

Supernatural Family Dynamics

I’m proud to share another article from another new guest.  Mae sent me a great piece called “Supernatural’s Family Dynamics.”  She’s a psych student, so it comes with citations. This can also be found on her livejournal, http://maebandy.livejournal.com/.  As usual with guest posters, if you feel like sharing, do not repost.  Share the link to here…

Hellatus Check – The Twelve Week Mark

(Note From Alice – My apologies for not posting this yesterday when the 12 week mark happened, but our IP took the site down for server maintenance last night.  Better late than never!).  ———————————– Hellatus Check; the twelve-week mark:   Perhaps I should call it Hellatus Check, only five weeks left – yeah, that sounds…

It’s For Real!

I just got this from Warner Brothers a few minutes ago.  The rumors are true!!! PARIS HILTON TO GUEST STAR ON THE CW’S “SUPERNATURAL” (August 6, 2009 – Burbank, CA) — Paris Hilton will guest star in the October 8th episode of The CW’s “Supernatural,” reuniting her with her “House of Wax” co-star and “Supernatural”…

Why I love Supernatural

I’m proud to share something from another guest columnist.  This time it’s elle, frequent commenter and huge supporter of this site.  Before I post elle’s wonderful piece, “Why I love Supernatural,” I wanted to announce that elle is also the winner of the Countdown Clock Graphic contest for July.  If you notice the new graphic that’s…