Jim Beaver Interview – Fangasm

My good friends Lynn and Kathy at Fangasm have posted their Jim Beaver Interview from the Chicago con.  He shares some great behind the scenes info including pranking Jared and Jensen.  It’s a pretty entertaining read, especially since Jim was coasting on fumes when this interview took place at 3 am.  Enjoy! http://fangasmthebook.wordpress.com/2009/12/10/jim-beaver-talks-jensen-jared-and-subtext-%e2%80%93-and-pranks-back/#more-66

I’m Making This Official – Welcome New Writers!

As you all may have noticed, I tend to post articles from guest contributors for the site.  Only elle2 though has ever been deemed an official  “Winchester Family Business writer.”  It’s taken me long enough, but I’m so lucky to get so many great articles from these people that recognition is due.  I’m giving the “staff writer” title to five…

Trivia Quiz!

You know, I had it all planned. I was going to use my bitching javascript programming skills to tweak some canned module out there that had a trivia quiz application.  I was going to do this fancy interface using multiple choice and giving correct answers instantly as well as keeping score.  Guess what?  Yeah, still in the planning…

Texts In Supernatural

Today’s thought bending contribution comes from Randal.  Inspired by Jasminka’s “Warriors of Light” he takes his brain twisting knowledge of literature (as well as occupational hazard) and has come up with a rather inspired analysis of texts and their role in Supernatural.  You’ll never look at a book the same way again!  I’m still in awe over the creative minds…

Once Upon A Time There Was An Amulet

We have a winner in the “first to write an amulet article” among the creative minds on this site!  The Sera Gamble interview sparked the debate, so Jasminka was inspired to do her take on the whole thing.  As usual, it’s a very thoughtful look.  Enjoy!    ———————————————————————– Once Upon a Time There Was an Amulet…  …