Let’s Discuss: When the Supernatural Fandom Crosses Lines

Back in December of 1986, William Shatner, beloved Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise in the original “Star Trek” series, hosted “Saturday Night Live.”  He got to live what is every genre actor’s dream, telling fans at an over-the-top fan convention what he actually thought.  His words were simple, “Get a life.  It’s only a…

Alice’s Review:  “Supernatural” 8.17 – “Goodbye Stranger”

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.17 – “Goodbye Stranger”

Episodes like “Goodbye Stranger” can be so damned frustrating.  Oh, don’t get me wrong, it was a stellar episode, one of the best of the season, but it left me screaming for more.  I want to know what happens next and I want to know now!  (Commence major foot stomping and object throwing at this…

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.17 – “Goodbye Stranger”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.17 – “Goodbye Stranger”

Well hello “Supernatural” you’re on fire baby! “Goodbye Stranger” was damn fine. I can easily judge how much I dig an episode by how much noise I make and at one stage I was a tad worried that me screaming “No, no, no” at my television might have my neighbours calling the cops! (Alas they…

Elle’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.17, “Goodbye Stranger”

Elle’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.17, “Goodbye Stranger”

Goodbye Stranger: Demons, Dirt and Deviation   It’s been a while since my last SPN review here at the Winchester Family Business, and boy is it good to be back! So, without further ado let’s talk about Goodbye Stranger. It was an odd mesh of characters, old and new themes and a good send off…

Sofia’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.17 “Goodbye Stranger”

Sofia’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.17 “Goodbye Stranger”

Sometimes this show just blows my mind. Lucky for me, it’s been doing that a lot this season. It’s been awhile since we talked about the tablets, Naomi, Cass or Crowley. So to have all these threads come together in one episode was really exciting. I knew “Goodbye Stranger” was going to be good from…

8.16 Remember The Titans: This One Was Supposed To Be On Me

8.16 Remember The Titans: This One Was Supposed To Be On Me     Prometheus’ fate Die every day forever: Hereditary.   Commentary And Meta Analysis   I enjoyed this episode a lot more than I expected to when I first learned about it. Supernatural has an unfortunate track record when it comes to stories…

Let’s Speculate: “Supernatural” 8.17, “Goodbye Stranger”

Let’s Speculate: “Supernatural” 8.17, “Goodbye Stranger”

WARNING!!!  If you haven’t seen “Goodbye Stranger,” read no further!  There are going to be lots of spoilers and theories and discussion about the episode, and you’ll want to see it yourself before you read about it secondhand!  But when you have seen it, come and join me and discuss!

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.17 “Goodbye Stranger”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite Preview – “Supernatural” 8.17 “Goodbye Stranger”

Hi! So it’s been a few weeks since we were all together. How’re y’all doing? Did you survive the mini-hiatus? Have you been dreaming about hot boys in muscle cars and angels in trench coats? Oh, maybe that’s just me, Awkward…   Anyhoo, Are we ready for a brand new episode? Yes, yes we are!…

“Supernatural” Convention report: Viva Las Vegascon “Part Two“ Jensen and Jared with a side order of Misha! by sweetondean

“Supernatural” Convention report: Viva Las Vegascon “Part Two“ Jensen and Jared with a side order of Misha! by sweetondean

IT’S J DAY! All photos are taken by me.   Truth is, I come to these conventions for many reasons, but the main reason is to see the boys and if truth be known, one specific boy”or man”MANLY MAN (I mean these boys are in the 30’s after all!).   Normally the Js are on…

“Supernatural” Convention report: Viva Las Vegascon – Part One – by sweetondean

“Supernatural” Convention report: Viva Las Vegascon – Part One – by sweetondean

I need to say straight up, I’m not real good at remembering all the questions and answers at a panel. This is where I need Alice, because she’s great at it! I’m too busy laughing and taking photos! So my con reports are more about the vibe of the thing€¦ I hope that’s cool! Also,…

A Visual Review: “Supernatural” 8.15, “Man’s Best Friend With Benefits”

A Visual Review: “Supernatural” 8.15, “Man’s Best Friend With Benefits”

It’s time to take a look at the visuals from “Man’s Best Friend With Benefits.”  This review is a little shorter than usual because the episode was so dialogue-heavy, and when episodes are really dialogue-heavy, that means the screen caps are a lot of faces and not a lot of other stuff.  But that’s okay. …