Interview with Actress Katherine Boecher – Lilith on Supernatural

Interview with Actress Katherine Boecher – Lilith on Supernatural

The Winchester Family Business has again teamed up with Supernatural Legend, the first and only Italian fansite dedicated to Supernatural, for an interview.  This time, we sent questions to Katherine Boecher, who played Lilith in season four.   All credit for putting together this interview goes to Giueseppe at Supernatural Legend and we thank him…

Supernatural Season 8 Binge-Watch: A Flash Review by sweetondean

I just finished my annual (sometimes bi-annual but the longer the show goes the tougher that is) series rewatch. Season 1 – 8. Every episode. Even those that make me wince a little. When I got to season 8, I realised I hadn’t watched the entire season in one hit since the season finished…which is…

Plot of Azazel

(This is a modified repost of an article written by Nate on his blog back in 2009.  It still raises some interesting questions!) Looking back over the core Kripke years, one realizes that it wasn’t just about the brothers, but 5 years also battling their arch nemesis.  An arch nemesis so fiendish, he continued to…

Supernatural Retro Recap: “The French Mistake” Part Two

Supernatural Retro Recap: “The French Mistake” Part Two

Missed part one of the recap?  It can be found here.  Okay, get ready, for this is the absolute craziest, bat-shit, most absurd, ballsiest, funniest, shattering the fourth wall into tiny little dimensions scene that has EVER aired on network television.  Hell, it beats just about anything ever shot.  This is Mr. Edlund’s legacy right…

Supernatural Retro Recap: “The French Mistake” Part One

Supernatural Retro Recap: “The French Mistake” Part One

Oh boy, I’ve been dying to do a full, detailed recap of this episode for a long time.  Actually, I started this last year and found it half finished in my WIP folder.  This episode is too memorable to let it linger in WIP.   This isn’t just another memorable Ben Edlund episode, no siree. …

Cure For Hellatus:  “Carved In Flesh” – A Supernatural Novel

Cure For Hellatus: “Carved In Flesh” – A Supernatural Novel

As we fans near the final weeks leading up to the 9th season premiere, what can we fans do to deal with our withdraw? Why pick up some extra “episodes” from Titan books! “Carved in Flesh” covers a period of time during season 7. If you really hated that season, don’t hold it against this…

Let’s Discuss: Share Your Favorite Supernatural Convention Story

Let’s Discuss: Share Your Favorite Supernatural Convention Story

Since VanCon just passed, capping off another glorious weekend for fandom, I thought that this would be a great time to share con memories!  Supernatural cons have been going on worldwide since season three, and each one seems to get more bigger and outrageous each time they’re held.   Since many of you out there…

Salute To Supernatural Vancouver Sunday: Full Details Via Bardicvoice’s Tweets

Salute To Supernatural Vancouver Sunday: Full Details Via Bardicvoice’s Tweets

(Photo of Jensen and Jared courtesy of Fangasm.  Follow them at @FangasmSPN for more!) Sunday is the big day at any convention and this year’s Vancon was no exception! Bardicvoice was front and centre again, with her amazing tweeting skils, and so you can catch up nice and easy, sweetondean has put them all on…

Salute To Supernatural Vancouver Fri & Sat: Full Details Via Bardicvoice’s Tweets

Salute To Supernatural Vancouver Fri & Sat: Full Details Via Bardicvoice’s Tweets

(Photo of Misha Collins courtesy of Fangasm.  Follow them at @FangasmSPN for more!) Just in case you haven’t noticed, there’s a pretty big “Supernatural” convention happening in Vancouver this weekend.  It’s Creation Entertainment’s annual Salute to Supernatural Vancouver, and WFB writers Tigershire, Far Away Eyes, and Bardicvoice have been there having all the fun.  No,…

From Our Archives: The Conventional Wisdom of Misha Collins

From Our Archives: The Conventional Wisdom of Misha Collins

This is a repost of something we ran this time last year.  Since it was Misha Collins’ birthday earlier this week (Happy Belated 39th Birthday Misha!) and he is again entertaining folks with his quirkiness and offbeat humor at Vancon (Bardicvoice, Far Away Eyes’ and Tigershire are having a great time BTW), I figured this…