Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 9.01, “I Think I’m Going to Like It Here”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: Supernatural 9.01, “I Think I’m Going to Like It Here”

Supernatural Season 9 wisely begins where Season 8 ends: both in timeline and in emotional impact. It is immediately after “Sacrifice,” and all the speculation and questions can finally be answered in “I Think I’m Going to Like It Here.” We have two story lines making their trajectory across the screen, briefly meeting before becoming…

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of “Supernatural” 9.01 – “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here”

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of “Supernatural” 9.01 – “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here”

Okay, so I’d only just got back from an epic adventure in Texas and I was kind of depressed about the holiday ending and I was kind of tired after 20 some hours of travel… but that was really emotional, right? I mean, I had a pained, weepy, frowny face for most of it…and I…

Nate Winchester’s Review: Supernatural 9.01 – “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here”

Nate Winchester’s Review: Supernatural 9.01 – “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here”

Supernatural is back! Hmm… new season, premiere and all that… I should do something fun. What to do what to do… Oh thank you family for providing a game to follow along! So let’s do this by running all 5 cards at once and see how the game plays.

Supernatural Preview Clip: Episode 9.02 – “Devil May Care”

Considering this episode was shot first, this one has been raring to go for a while.  So it seems natural that the day after the premiere, the first clip would be available for our viewing pleasure!  Actually, it’s the second clip, since those of us that attended Comic Con got to see the scene before…

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.01 – “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here”

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.01 – “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here”

After what feels like an eternity (dramatic much?) we are finally at the start of season 9. Last season I joked about how good it feels to end a season without a dead Winchester. I mean, Sam was conscious at the end of the season 8 finale so that was a win in my book….

The WFB Supernatural Episode 9.01 Spoiler Lite Preview

The WFB Supernatural Episode 9.01 Spoiler Lite Preview

It’s so hard to believe that this moment is actually here.  I remember when I first put up the countdown clock, when the premiere date was announced.  It was around 112 days!  Officially though, the gap between the season eight finale and the season nine premiere    is 146 days.  That’s 4 months and 23…

Dean and Sam in Supernatural S8: The Ultimate Sacrifice

Dean and Sam in Supernatural S8: The Ultimate Sacrifice

(From Alice – I received this meta analysis form sabath68, which are her thoughts about Sam and Dean in season eight that vastly expanded from a comment reply.  I just had to share this.  The perspectives given in this analysis are so fascinating and offer so much to ponder about what transpired in the brotherly…