Ardeospina’s Review of “Supernatural” 9.08: Let’s Talk About Dean and Suzy

Ardeospina’s Review of “Supernatural” 9.08: Let’s Talk About Dean and Suzy

  I want to talk about “Rock And A Hard Place.”  Specifically, I want to talk about the things I found hugely problematic. But before I do that, I want to make it clear that these are my opinions and my interpretations of what we were presented on the show. If you don’t agree with…

I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This – Let’s Discuss What’s Going to Happen in the Mid-Season Finale

I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This – Let’s Discuss What’s Going to Happen in the Mid-Season Finale

If you’re spoiler free and haven’t watched the promo for the mid-season finale you may want to back quietly away now…. I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This – Let’s Discuss What’s Going to Happen in the Mid-Season Finale It’s nearly mid-season finale time and we’ve all got theories as to where this is all…

Threads: Supernatural 9.04 to 9.08

Threads: Supernatural 9.04 to 9.08

Welcome to the third installment of the Supernatural Season 9 “Threads” series! For anyone just joining us, this series is dedicated to detecting the clues and innuendoes, subtext and foreshadowing that are present in each week’s Supernatural episodes in an attempt to form and test theories about the direction of the season’s plots and myth…

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of Supernatural 9.08 – “Rock and a Hard Place”

  Owies. The pain! Here I was having a perfectly good time. There was creepy scenes, scary dungeonous pits, awesome Sam and Jody being awesome, Dean being cocky, bummed out, nervous, awkward and then…um… Olé! It was all kind of joyous and then…IT WASN’T! Oh Supernatural; when you’re really good, you’re really painful! Before I…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.08 – Rock and a Hard Place aka Sam’s Quest To Be Normal

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.08 – Rock and a Hard Place aka Sam’s Quest To Be Normal

Boys, boys, boys.  Oh how you crush me so.  Last week I went on a wee bit (yeah right) of a rant about how I was dying for movement in the whole angel thing.  While the episode itself was well constructed, my overall sentiment was a rinse, lather, repeat type attitude.  I’ve seen this with…

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 9.08, “Rock and a Hard Place”

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 9.08, “Rock and a Hard Place”

Robin’s Rambles – Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Episode 9, Season 9 I really enjoyed tonight’s episode, but I’m itching to see the forward motion of the myth arc already. It seems as if we’re having more one-shots with no change in the storyline. Zeke still shares Sam’s body. Nice waitress gives a…

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.08 “Rock and a Hard Place”

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 9.08 “Rock and a Hard Place”

Man, virgins have it rough on this show. First we had Nancy, the secretary from “Jus in Bello” way back in season three, then there were all those girls in “Like a Virgin” and now we’ve got born-again virgins who have relapsed. It seems everyone wants to sacrifice them, collect them or eat them. Not…

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview of Supernatural 9.08 – “Rock and a Hard Place”

sweetondean’s Spoiler-lite preview of Supernatural 9.08 – “Rock and a Hard Place”

2 more episodes until hellatus people! 2 MORE! *clutches heart* I’m starting to get real nervous. Jensen and Jared’s latest convention chatter isn’t helping any! I’m all nervous/excited/scared/excited/nervous! All the emotions! And it hasn’t even happened yet…what ever IT may be. Okay, I’m calm again. So where were we?

TV Fanatic Supernatural Roundtable 9.07 – “Bad Boys”

TV Fanatic Supernatural Roundtable 9.07 – “Bad Boys”

Usually when myself, Carissa Pavlica, and Sean McKenna get together on TV Fanatic to share opinions about the latest Supernatural episode, we usually have varying opinions.  With “Bad Boys” though, we are definitely in more of a consensus with these questions.  I guess we all overall liked the episode and thought it was a pretty…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.07- “Bad Boys”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.07- “Bad Boys”

From the very start, Supernatural has taken the art of the ghost story and elevated it to something more profound. The series may have started as a horror show, but it is the depth they place in their ghost episodes that take it to the next level. Instead of just focusing in on the thrills…