Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.14 – “Captives”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.14 – “Captives”

The theme is simple enough, “captives.”  There are plenty of those in “Supernatural.”   The angels are captives on earth.  Kevin is a captive in the veil.  Mrs. Tran is a captive of Crowley.  Castiel is a captive of Bartholomew and his treachery.  Sam and Dean are captives of a fractured relationship, as well as their…

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 9.14 – “Captives”

Robin’s Rambles: Supernatural 9.14 – “Captives”

Robin’s Rambles, Season 9, Episode 14, Captives Summary Bunker, a specter! Dean listens to rock. Lights blink. Sam grabs a sword when Dean calls. Sam and Dean meet. The bunker is haunted, despite the sigils. Whoever it is died here. It’s not Kevin, Dean burned him.  Funeral. A man breaks away. Castiel grabs him. Metatron?…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×14 “Captives”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 9×14 “Captives”

Warning: If you have not seen tonight’s episode, “Captives,” then beware spoilers ahead! Summary:  This episode opens with a haunting…and Billy Squier (always a win in my book). The bunker is haunted by the ONE AND ONLY KEVIN TRAN. You know, the Kevin Tran that was killed unnecessarily? After going back and forth about how…

Two Writers, A “Few” Drinks, and 140 Characters

Picture it. Two snarky writers. Valentine’s Day. Twitter. Perhaps alcohol, but I won’t comment on that. Let’s just say that love has ways of finding its companion. Okay, so it’s not original but we did it anyway. Nate and I found ourselves trading off #spnpickuplines on Valentine’s Day and the contest lasted well into an…

Supernatural University: On the Genesis and Regenesis of Monsters

Supernatural University: On the Genesis and Regenesis of Monsters

Supernatural University: On the Genesis and Regenesis of Monsters Supernatural has always done its own takes on classic monsters, often giving them unique twists. Over the seasons, the show has also revisited monsters, sometimes appearing to change the monster rules in the process. I’ve written a lot about monsters in Supernatural over the years, and…

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Supernatural is…An Exercise in Poetry

A lot of times crazy ideas that start on our Twitter end up here on the site, especially when we’re incredibly bored and anxiously waiting for “Supernatural” to return from it’s Olympic induced hiatus.  This one started yesterday, when my daughter felt a little goofy. She shared her “Supernatural Poem” and I was so inspired,…