Go Beyond the Gag Reel: Season Three Special Features

Go Beyond the Gag Reel: Season Three Special Features

Much like Supernatural’s season three itself, the special features are a bit short thanks to that Writer’s Strike. There’s a lack of deleted scenes and commentary—and there’s no special Blu Ray exclusive features. What’s there, though, are illuminating and fascinating looks behind the scenes. We’re allowed to glimpse further into various episodes, to see more…

Supernatural Hiatus Hunting: 4.03 “In The Beginning”

Supernatural Hiatus Hunting: 4.03 “In The Beginning”

Welcome to the second installment of our new series, “Hiatus Hunting”! In honor of “Throwback Thursdays”, each week until season 10 begins we will lead you on a treasure hunt through our archives, seeking reviews on some of the best episodes of Supernatural! These reviews were all written in the moment, so they are sometimes…

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.13 “The Purge”

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.13 “The Purge”

Supernatural’s episode “The Purge” is packed full of messages. There is subtext about the brothers, about family, about monsters and humanity, and even about weight loss and self-image. All of our original reviews detected many of these messages on the first watch. They are worth revisiting, however, because even though the parallels to the brothers’…

Supernatural Comic-Con 2014 Bag Revealed by Warner Brothers

Supernatural Comic-Con 2014 Bag Revealed by Warner Brothers

Here’s this year’s “Supernatural” bag that will be part of the bags distributed to Comic Con attendees.  Wow, this one is awesome!  Very unique.  I’m sure these will be in super hot demand. For photos of all the 13 bags released, those along with the full press release can be found at our sister site,…

Supernatural Hiatus Hunting: 4.01 “Lazarus Rising”

Supernatural Hiatus Hunting: 4.01 “Lazarus Rising”

Greetings readers and welcome to our very first edition of “Supernatural Hiatus Hunting”! In keeping with the theme of “Throwback Thursdays”, every week Percysowner and/or Elle will honour a popular past episode of Supernatural by featuring The WFB reviews and recaps that were written when the episode first aired years ago! This is a fun…

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.12,  “Sharp Teeth”

WFB Deja Vu Review – Supernatural 9.12, “Sharp Teeth”

Last week we enjoyed the rerun of “Bad Boys”, which was the seventh episode in Supernatural’s 9th season. Typical of hiatus programming, this week The CW skipped ahead several episodes, so instead of following the methodical development of the plots, we jumped ahead to 9.12, “Sharp Teeth”. Unfortunately, the omitted episodes were crucial to all…