WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.18 “Meta Fiction”

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.18 “Meta Fiction”

Just hours after returning from VanCon, my brain was in a deep, Supernaturally induced, sleep deprived, travel slip stream fog. So what’s the first thing I did this morning? Valiantly tried to host the live tweet of the #WFBRewatch of “Meta Fiction”….before breakfast! My apologies to anyone who was confused when I sincerely asked why…

Supernatural’s 200th Episode Flyover is a Success!

Today over the Supernatural studios at Burnaby, BC, where the 200th episode was being filmed, a fan passion project proudly became a reality.  Andie (@ant3ka on Twitter) ran a Kickstarter campaign to fly a banner over the studios congratulating SPN on it’s 200th episode.  Today the flight took place in perfect weather, and it was…

2014 Supernatural VanCon Report: Sunday – J2 Day, Demons and Angels Running Amok

2014 Supernatural VanCon Report: Sunday – J2 Day, Demons and Angels Running Amok

Sunday, J2 Day!  Well, it was a bit more than that.  There was an awesome panel involving a King and Queen of Hell, J2 on the stage twice messing with things like a new Twitter account for Jensen and a well placed fan at the back of the stage that provided loads of entertainment.  We…

Jared and Jensen Gold Member’s Panel at VanCon:  Jensen Joins Twitter, Osric Chau Jokes and Other Fun

Jared and Jensen Gold Member’s Panel at VanCon: Jensen Joins Twitter, Osric Chau Jokes and Other Fun

(Photo courtesy of @FangasmSPN).  At this morning’s Jared and Jensen Gold Members only panel at Salute to Supernatural in Vancouver, history was made!  Yes, in front of the crowd, Jensen Ackles joined Twitter.  But other stuff happened too, and this ended up being a very fun half hour.  I have all the details about the…

Jensen Ackles is Now Officially on Twitter (NOT A JOKE!)

Jensen Ackles is Now Officially on Twitter (NOT A JOKE!)

I just came from the Gold members panel with Jared and Jensen at Salute to Supernatural Vancouver.  We were treated to something rather historic.  Jensen, in front of the crowd of 500+ people, joined Twitter!  The network was able to get his actual name!  So yes, you may follow @JensenAckles now on Twitter and for…

2014 Supernatural VanCon Report:  Friday People Are The Best!

2014 Supernatural VanCon Report: Friday People Are The Best!

Today was opening day for the Salute to Supernatural Convention in Vancouver and there were actually five Winchester Family Business staff members in the audience!  We all had a pretty remarkable time, and kudos to Creation Entertainment for actually coming up with a full and entertaining slate for a Friday.  Panel guests were Rob Benedict,…

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.17 “Mother’s Little Helper”

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.17 “Mother’s Little Helper”

It seems to be vacation week at The Winchester Family Business!! Half the writing staff is in or headed to Vancouver for the Supernatural convention that is happening this weekend! The other half is either on vacation or working so hard in order to take a vacation that everyone’s review is comprised of their “Random…

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Nine Dean Winchester, Part Two

A Deeper Look at Supernatural Season Nine Dean Winchester, Part Two

In part two, things really unravel for poor Dean now that he has the Mark of Cain, which seems like a chicken scratch for a bit of the second half until he gets to touch the First Blade.  It’s the great fall of Dean Winchester, and it all plays out like a Greek tragedy.      …

Supernatural Season Nine: Do You Believe in Miracles?

Sabath68 has returned with another great guest analysis, this time on Supernatural’s season nine.  Enjoy this thought provoking analysis! ****************************** Greetings from Germany, as usual I prefer to analyze the over reaching main theme of a season instead of reviewing a single episode. In my opinion it is like to muse over a good book…