Rebuilding A Classic Impala From Scratch: One Supernatural Fan’s Story, Part One

Rebuilding A Classic Impala From Scratch: One Supernatural Fan’s Story, Part One

This happens a few times in the “Supernatural” fandom.  Wooed by the sheer awesomeness of the Winchester’s slick 1967 black Chevy Impala, a select few start thinking, “What if I owned one?”  Considering you can’t exactly go down to the local dealership and get a 1967 Impala anymore, finding one becomes a journey that involves…

Supernatural Season 9 Released on DVD in North America Today

It’s that time of year again, DVD release day!  Supernatural Season Nine is now available for purchase on DVD or Blu-Ray.  This is usually our big sign that the next season premiere is just around the corner, but today, we revel and bask in the extras at our glorious fingertips.  What, you don’t know what…

Supernatural VanCon: “M” Day! Part 2 – Misha!

Supernatural VanCon: “M” Day! Part 2 – Misha!

Part 1 of my report on “M” day (aka Saturday) at the Vancouver Supernatural convention featured the indomitable Mark Sheppard, plus Tahmoh Penikett, Matt Cohen and the myriad of other guests who had shared Friday’s fun with us. Saturday afternoon’s fun began with a splash, watching Gil McKinney and Matt Cohen get wet for the…

Let’s Discuss: Sam and Dean in Supernatural Season 10 – Compelling or Controversial?

Warning:  This article contains spoilers that came out of recent interviews from San Diego Comic-Con. As Supernatural Season 9 fades farther into the distance of our minds, Season 10 is coming ever closer, and with it, new storylines for the brothers (and Crowley and Castiel, of course).  I’m one of the fans who was critical…

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.19 “Alex Annie Alexis Ann”

WFB Deja Vu Review: Supernatural 9.19 “Alex Annie Alexis Ann”

Finally! Unanimous love for an episode! All of the WFB writers look for different things in episodes. Some look for canon precision, some for meta meanings, some for brotherly love, and some for great storytelling, yet by all yardsticks, this episode was superb. Robert Berens’ “Alex, Annie, Alexis, Ann” was a triumph.

Supernatural VanCon Friday: Let’s Get This Party Started!

Supernatural VanCon Friday: Let’s Get This Party Started!

VanCon. I’ve always wanted to go to this convention above all others (yes, even more than Jus In Bello in Rome!) because it affords the opportunity to interact with Supernatural’s production staff.  In years past, I sat at home enviously reading attendees’ live tweets about actors’ panels and photo ops with Jared, Jensen, Misha or…

Notes in the Margin: Supernatural Novel “Witch’s Canyon”

Notes in the Margin: Supernatural Novel “Witch’s Canyon”

As part of my very slow moving project to read all of the Supernatural tie-in novels, I recently completed Witch’s Canyon. This book was released in October, 2007. It was written by Jeff Mariotte, who also wrote tie-in novels for Buffy, Angel, Spiderman, Criminal Minds and Star Trek. Given the publication date, one can assume…

Time Travel, Alternate Realities and Flashbacks-Supernatural Style

Time Travel, Alternate Realities and Flashbacks-Supernatural Style

I’ve been doing something this hiatus that I’ve long promised myself I would do – binge watching SPN via my DVR and TNT’s daily episodes.  We’re mid-way through Season 7 (yeah, still haven’t forgiven Sera for killing off Bobby – even three years later…nope, not over that yet.)  Because Seasons 6 and 7 (notably 6)…