TV’s New Business Model: Can Supernatural Survive?

TV’s New Business Model: Can Supernatural Survive?

Ah, the fall TV Season.  Premieres for new and returning shows, plenty of online chatter and excitement, TV ad revenue charts…  Wait, what?  Yes, for you number junkies out there, this is when the value of each TV show is measured by the rates it can charge for advertisements that will appear during its time…

Updated: RearView Review: Supernatural 10.23 “Brother’s Keeper”

Updated: RearView Review: Supernatural 10.23 “Brother’s Keeper”

  “BROTHER’S KEEPER” 10.23 Writer: Jeremy Carver Director: Phil Sgriccia Air Date: May 20, 2015 BY WEDNESDAY THEME What would you be willing to sacrifice in order to attain your desires? Would you sacrifice someone you Loved for Freedom and Power? Would you sacrifice your morals to save someone you loved? Would you sacrifice someone…

Threads: What Did Supernatural Season 10 Tell Us About Season 11?

Threads: What Did Supernatural Season 10 Tell Us About Season 11?

Every week of hiatus, I hosted a live tweet of Supernatural’s season 10 episodes (i.e. #WFBRewatch). With the insight afforded by knowing the outcome of the Mark of Cain plotline, I watched each show specifically looking for stories and dialogue that foreshadowed what was to come at the end of the season. How far back…