Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look: Supernatural 11.02 “Form and Void”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look: Supernatural 11.02 “Form and Void”

Symbolism can make a story’s rich tapestry all the more fulfilling and illuminating. It can add layers and depth revealing fresh insights. It can come in dialog, in music, and in visual cues. “Form and Void” makes use of all of these to tell its story—but most of all it uses Catholic symbolism to convey…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.02, “Form and Void” aka Dark vs. Light

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.02, “Form and Void” aka Dark vs. Light

“In the beginning, there was only dark. You ask me, the light’s winning.” Okay, you got me.  I snagged that line from “True Detective.”  Still, isn’t is appropriate?  The phrase “form and void” comes from the bible, the second chapter of Genesis.  “And the earth was ‘formless and void’ and the darkness was over the…

TV Fanatic Roundtable: Supernatural 11.01, “Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire”

TV Fanatic Roundtable: Supernatural 11.01, “Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire”

Oh yes, we’re back baby!  Another new season, another year of the TV Fanatic Supernatural roundtable!  This year myself, Nightsky, and from TV Fanatic Sean McKenna and new to the group Christine Laskodi take on the unimaginable, unthinkable, Supernatural season 11.  

Supernatural Vying for Nominations for People’s Choice Awards

It’s time to start voting to select the nominees for the 2016 People’s Choice Awards. The show is in contention to be one of the five nominees for Favorite Network TV Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show.  Jensen, Jared and Misha are all listed in the Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actor category. Voting went live at 10:00 am today, Oct…