Auld Lang Syne: Bookdal’s Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

Singing the Sins of Creon: Supernatural’s Season Six and the Prohibition Against MourningOriginally Published: June 9, 2011 “You would rather throw stones at a mirror? I am your mirror, and here are your stones.” -Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks    A Beautiful Labor: The Work of Mourning  “The person who grieves, suffers his passion to…

Auld Lang Syne:  Bardicvoice’s Favorite Supernatural Reflections

Auld Lang Syne: Bardicvoice’s Favorite Supernatural Reflections

For my “old long ago,” I blew the dust off my two 2013 dissertations on the show’s use of angels  – one as a group, and one specifically on Castiel – to set the stage for a “new, more recent” look at what the show has done with angels since then. While I organize my…

Auld Lang Syne: Farawayeyes’ Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

Auld Lang Syne: Farawayeyes’ Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

This profile is about one of my all time favorite Supernatural writers, Robbie Thompson. It was an honor to write about his various writing prior to Supernatural, all of his episodes, and to capture what makes his writing pop for us fans. Getting the chance to connect with him via Twitter for an impromptu interview…

Auld Lang Syne:  Metamorphic Rocks’ Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

Auld Lang Syne: Metamorphic Rocks’ Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

This was the first article I ever wrote for The Winchester Family Business.  It was a deeply personal essay, and I was a little nervous about exposing myself in writing it, but I had come to marvel at this little show and the effect it had on my life, and I wanted to express all those feelings and share…

Auld Lang Syne: Elle2’s Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

Auld Lang Syne, literally translated from an old Scottish dialect means ‘Old Long Ago’, and as most of us probably already know, either intellectually or emotionally, it is about love and friendship in times past.  Supernatural is an old friend, and like many an old friend, I have had good times and bad times with…

Auld Lang Syne:  Alice’s Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

Auld Lang Syne: Alice’s Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

So, I came up with this so called “great idea” and approached Nightsky right away.  Let’s have each writer pick one of their “greatest hits” to share during the holidays.  You know, a gift to those that have long forgot the articles gone by.  Yeah, great idea, until I had to come up with my…