Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.13 “Love Hurts”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.13 “Love Hurts”

The heart is everything. It is metaphor. It is physical. It is our greatest weakness and our greatest strength. It is the vital organ that keeps us alive. It is the key to our emotional selves. The heart symbolizes so much. It embodies our truths. It can be corrupted. It can be purified. The heart…

Wednesday’s Watching Supernatural 11.13 “Love Hurts”

Wednesday’s Watching Supernatural 11.13 “Love Hurts”

It’s a Valentine’s Day with Love cloaked in Shame, Kisses of Death, and Dick Moves. So much fakery and deception! (Fake love, fake Amara, fake hairdresser and even a fake teddy bear.) But it was triumphant with honesty, love, and support between brothers. WEDNESDAY’S WATCHING Supernatural 11.13 “Love Hurts” Writers: Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.13, “Love Hurts”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.13, “Love Hurts”

When going into one of these filler weeks, I look for certain criteria in an episode.  Are TPTB remembering the season long myth arc or does the whole saga get addressed in a throw away comment?  Is the mystery interesting and not mind numbingly predictable?  Are the guest characters full of life or cardboard cutouts? …

TV Fanatic Roundtable – “Don’t You Forget About Me”

TV Fanatic Roundtable – “Don’t You Forget About Me”

I was surprised by the TV Fanatic roundtable this week.  I figured we would be more divided about “Don’t You Forget About Me.”  After all, the episode seemed to get a very mixed reaction among the fandom.  We were mostly in agreement though, the episode was disappointing, but we all loved the dinner scene!  Myself…

Fan Video of the Week: Supernatural Reflections “Don’t You Forget About Me”

Fan Video of the Week: Supernatural Reflections “Don’t You Forget About Me”

“We do not remember days, we remember moments”.― Cesare Pavese For this week’s fan videos, I again chose something different. First, I chose an antonym to the word “forget” and connected it to multi-fandom videos that have Supernatural scenes in them. ‘Don’t you forget about me’ means to remember the people you have lost –…