Top 10 Supernatural Opening Sequences: TV Show Overlay Videos – Part 1

Top 10 Supernatural Opening Sequences: TV Show Overlay Videos – Part 1

 “The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.” ― Jean-Jacques Rousseau This article is an idea I got while writing “The Fan Video of the Week article” for “The Vessel”. For that episode, I featured two videos where Supernatural was combined with trailers for full-length movies and their music. While…

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.15 “Beyond the Mat”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.15 “Beyond the Mat”

On the surface, it would seem that the two stories in “Beyond the Mat” run on parallel lines never to meet. Dig deeper, and we can see that they not only intersect, they reflect one another. Each builds on the other in subtle ways that allows us to explore character, motive, and the conflicts yet…

TV Fanatic Roundtable – Supernatural 11.15 “Beyond The Mat”

TV Fanatic Roundtable – Supernatural 11.15 “Beyond The Mat”

Let’s get ready to rumble!  While I’d like to think that this week’s TV Fanatic Roundtable played out like a brutal wrestling match, I think we were all pretty much in agreement about the episode.  Myself, Nightsky, and Christine Laskodi and Sean McKenna of TV Fanatic all talked about whether we were wrestling fans or…

Andrew Dabb Writing the Supernatural Season 11 Finale. What Does This Mean?

Yesterday, SPN Producer Jim Michaels tweeted some news that threw the fandom for a bit of a loop.  For the first time ever, a non-showrunner will be writing the season finale.  The task this year has been passed onto head writer Andrew Dabb.  He will be writing episode 11.23. Why isn’t Jeremy Carver writing the…