Memorable Moments: Supernatural 11.22 – “We Happy Few”

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 11.22 – “We Happy Few”

Editor’s Note: Each week Karen visually recapped what she felt were the best and most memorable moments of the new Supernatural episode. The list varied from week to week, depending on what transpired in the episode. Towards the end of the season, we skipped a few episodes, though, usually for scheduling reasons. “We Happy Few”…

Threads: Supernatural Season 11 Summary and Retrospective

Threads: Supernatural Season 11 Summary and Retrospective

As Supernatural fans already know, Supernatural is a complex drama, built over years upon a foundation of mythology and recurring themes. Its dialog is intricate, often layered with thematic threads, double meanings and foreshadowing.  The “Threads” review series closely examines these subtlties, to both more thoroughly appreciate the detail of the plots and to attempt…

Accepting Your Nominations!  The WFB Supernatural Season 11 Fan Choice Awards

Accepting Your Nominations! The WFB Supernatural Season 11 Fan Choice Awards

Another “Supernatural” season has come and gone and you know what that means.  It’s time for our annual awards!  Season Eleven especially is offering some very interesting choices.  Categories that have been thin in the past have plenty of potential this year!   Ever since season seven a certain number of award categories have been…

Thoughts on Supernatural 11.02: Form and Void – In Hindsight

Thoughts on Supernatural 11.02: Form and Void – In Hindsight

It’s that hiatus time of year again! No new adventures with the Winchester boys. Instead we wait in a state of anxiety and speculation, wondering just what the cliffhanger means for the next year. In the meantime, this writer has some time to revisit the missed review opportunities of season eleven, beginning with 11.02.

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 11.19 – “The Chitters”

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 11.19 – “The Chitters”

Editor’s Note: Each week Karen visually recapped what she felt were the best and most memorable moments of the new Supernatural episode. The list varied from week to week, depending on what transpired in the episode. Towards the end of the season, we skipped a few episodes, though, usually for scheduling reasons. “The Chitters” was…