Threads: Supernatural 12.21 “There’s Something About Mary”

Threads: Supernatural 12.21 “There’s Something About Mary”

Six Days Later I’m a little late to the party this week. Usually “Threads” is The WFB’s first review of a new Supernatural episode but due to travel, I’m posting last this time. By now, you have all discussed, debated, questioned and clarified probably every frame of the show (good for you!). There is no…

Supernatural 12.21 – Why “There’s Something About Mary” Triggered a Brutal Fan Storm

Supernatural 12.21 – Why “There’s Something About Mary” Triggered a Brutal Fan Storm

I’ve struggled with this review for several days.  I’ve considered, started, and then reconsidered all sorts of ways to express just how wrong “There’s Something About Mary” was and how it was a betrayal to a variety of fans.  This was just more than another bad, poorly written episode by Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming. …

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.21: “There’s Something About Mary”

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.21: “There’s Something About Mary”

While not at all what I expected from where we left off last week, There’s Something About Mary was, simply put, too short an episode that left me anxious and salivating for both karmic twists and conclusions. Typically by this point of the season there are so many things aligning and pieces being revealed to…

TV Fanatic Roundtable: Supernatural 12.20 – “Twigs & Twines & Tasha Banes”

TV Fanatic Roundtable: Supernatural 12.20 – “Twigs & Twines & Tasha Banes”

Apologies, but the total **** storm generated by 12.21 made me forget to put up the link for the TV Fanatic Roundtable 12.20.     Overall, we all were pretty close on this one. Myself, Nightsky, and Christine Laskodi and Sean McKenna of TV Fanatic had a lot of the same views.  Overall the vibe…