Arrow to End in Season 8: Time to Campaign for Amell Appearance on SPN?

Arrow to End in Season 8: Time to Campaign for Amell Appearance on SPN?

Here’s some important news coming out of CW land.  Why don’t I share the surprise announcement coming from the show’s star? Playing Oliver Queen has been the greatest professional experience of my life… but you can’t be a vigilante forever. Arrow will return for a final run of 10 episodes this Fall. There’s so much…

Nate’s Supernatural Game Review – Trivial Pursuit

Nate’s Supernatural Game Review – Trivial Pursuit

Once upon a time an intrepid video reviewer was doing some shopping and saw “Trivial Pursuit: Men of Letters edition.”  He was intrigued, but cautious. Was this a new version of the Supernatural Trivial Pursuit? Or was this the same game as released before, just with a different “collector’s” ascetic to it?  Not finding any…

Threads: Supernatural 14.13 “Lebanon”

Threads: Supernatural 14.13 “Lebanon”

 Three Weeks Later How many times have you rewatched Supernatural’s 300th milestone episode “Lebanon”?  In a rare alignment of the planets, all three Winchester Family Business reviewers – Alice, Nate and I – had virtually the same opinion of the episode. We overwhelmingly loved the family reunion with Papa Winchester. We loved the reconciliation between…

Supernatural’s Jensen Ackles in New Orleans for the Bacchus Parade With Updates

Supernatural’s Jensen Ackles in New Orleans for the Bacchus Parade With Updates

Jensen and Danneel arrived in New Orleans on Thursday ahead of the Bacchus Parade Coronation of Jensen as King! New Orleans 4WWL News covered the story:  Bacchus LI Jensen Ackles arrives in New Orleans Thursday (Credit to SPNUK for finding the TV coverage).  Videos, interviews and updats below the cut.

Mallena’s Musings: As the Glass Shatters – Supernatural’s Bloody Good Scenes, Part One

Some of you might know that I enjoy watching a Winchester bleed, preferably while another family member is nearby.  Now, I don’t consider myself a particularly violent person.  In real life the sight of another person in pain isn’t something I relish.  I avoid confrontation, run away from fights, and abhor bullies.  Most of my…