Supernatural Fan Crazy Strikes Again!

I know the online saying. Those of us of rational mind say it all the time. â€œDon’t feed the trolls.” But sorry, sometimes, like with “Jensen vs Jared: I’m Going There” and “Sam Fans vs. Dean Fans, The Saga Continues”  I find the need to bring a little sanity into an insane situation. Lately, some fans have gone just…

Supernatural Season Six: A Few Ideas

Today, Sablegreen has some nice diversiony fun, sheer speculation on what Supernatural season six could have.  Join in and share some of your ideas.  I vote for that Grand Canyon episode myself.  We can run a bake sale to pay for the location shoot.  Save the Hawaii episode for season seven.  :)  ————————————–   Recently, an article on…

Bias Or Bash

(A note from Alice).  You know, I let a little controversy slip into the site this week.  Sorry, I do apologize.  This is a site where we love our show, are a bit fanatical about it, but we’re not oversensitive to things.  It’s this thing called common sense.  I can proudly say this, especially given the amount…

Why I love Supernatural

I’m proud to share something from another guest columnist.  This time it’s elle, frequent commenter and huge supporter of this site.  Before I post elle’s wonderful piece, “Why I love Supernatural,” I wanted to announce that elle is also the winner of the Countdown Clock Graphic contest for July.  If you notice the new graphic that’s…

Reality Check – Season Five Is Not Supernatural’s Last Season and Dawn Ostroff Is Not Out To Destroy The Show

I’m rather embarrassed today to be a Supernatural fan. After the CW upfront presentation this morning, I went to various boards for some fair minded reaction to the new schedule. Sure, I usually limit my viewing of the network to Thursdays and have no interest in checking out their girl power teen shows, so any criticism I…

Reality Check: Why Fan Efforts Won’t Help Supernatural’s Budget

This is a first of a two or three part series of what I call “Reality Check.” There are too many misconceptions out there about the way things work in this sorry business known as Television, and I feel compelled to set the record straight. For the first part, I’ll explain why no amount of fan activism…

Supernatural Featured in This Week’s Entertainment Weekly – Why I Didn’t Like It

I’ve been a subscriber to Entertainment Weekly for a number of years, and I’m very pleased to see that they finally have given some deserving space to Supernatural after years of only giving them little blurbs in upcoming previews.  They’re even mentioned on the cover, which is cool for those skimming at the newstand. Still,…