Supernatural: Biblical Ideas In Dark Melodrama

In my daily check of links, I stumbled upon this one thanks to the Supernatural TV message boards.  This is a MUST read for any serious fan.  It delves into Supernatural’s presentation of biblical theology.  The argument that the show is consistent with Evangelicalism is fascinating.  Give this a read, and we can discuss further…

It’s Official! Supernatural Season Five is Happening

In what I at least consider to be a shocking development, The CW officially announced six early renewals just a few hours ago.  Supernatural will be back for season five!    Not a surprise on the list is Supernatural, Gossip Girl, America’s Top Model, and 90210.  The shockers came with the inclusion of Smallville and One Tree Hill.  While…

Jared Padalecki Cancels NJ Creation Con Appearance

After seeing Jared Padalecki at New York Comic Con a few weeks ago, starting his whirlwind promotional tour for Friday The 13th, plus being aware of his insane schedule in which he was to attend three fan conventions in March alone, on top of filming the final season four episodes for Supernatural, I wondered if he could actually fulfill all his…

Over 4 million with DVR for “After School Special”

The latest DVR +7 ratings for the week of January 26th – February 1 have been published (a few days too late thanks to the holiday this week), and once again it’s very good news for Supernatural.  For the 4th time this season, the ratings have gone over 4 million.  For “After School Special,” the live and…