“I’m Sorry, Have You Met Me?” I’m Elle! By WEDNESDAY

“I’m Sorry, Have You Met Me?” I’m Elle! By WEDNESDAY

“I’m Sorry, Have You Met Me?”By WEDNESDAYWelcome to SEASON ELEVEN/ ANSWER ELEVENIn 11.10 “The Devil in the Details,” Crowley advised Dean.CROWLEY: “Don’t worry about Sam.”DEAN: “Oh, I’m sorry. Have you met me?”Sometimes we think we know someone, or assume others know us, when actually we really don’t know each other at all.  Things also have…

Mistress Magda Predicts!  The Home Stretch of Supernatural Season 11

Mistress Magda Predicts! The Home Stretch of Supernatural Season 11

I am called Mistress Magda. So you are back? Is it curiosity or does the danger lure you in? Alright then, sit down and listen. Magda tosses some flash powder on the candle flame for dramatic effect.  There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. Heaven, Hell, Earth, Purgatory and the…

Supernatural Files – “The Truth is Out There” Title Cards Conspiracy

“Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct: The world is a rigged game.”― Matt Taibbi The idea for this article has…

Auld Lang Syne: Nightsky’s Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

Auld Lang Syne: Nightsky’s Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

I hope you’ve enjoyed our Auld Lang Syne series! The Winchester Family Business staff has certainly enjoyed sharing our favorite articles with you throughout this holiday season. Since I helped pull together all the articles in the series, I thought it was fitting that my reflections be last. It wasn’t hard to pick my favorite…

Auld Lang Syne: Pragmatic Dreamer’s Favorite Supernatural Reflections

Auld Lang Syne: Pragmatic Dreamer’s Favorite Supernatural Reflections

In fact, about the only substantial thing to change since I wrote this article is that Sidney Crosby had to have major dental reconstruction after taking a slapshot to the jaw.  (Who knows?  Maybe my writing has “Supernatural” powers?!) Let me know what you think! Why Happily Married Middle-Aged Women Love the WinchestersOriginally Published: January…

Auld Lang Syne: Bookdal’s Favorite Reflections on Supernatural

Singing the Sins of Creon: Supernatural’s Season Six and the Prohibition Against MourningOriginally Published: June 9, 2011 “You would rather throw stones at a mirror? I am your mirror, and here are your stones.” -Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks    A Beautiful Labor: The Work of Mourning  “The person who grieves, suffers his passion to…