The Universal Language

The Universal Language Once upon a time, in a country far, far away, the immortal Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart carefully advised another immortal, Franz Joseph Haydn, to not visit England. “Oh, Papa, you have no education for the wide world.” To this concern the elder master replied, “but all the world understands my language.” I’ll grant…

Supernatural Soundtracks

Supernatural Soundtracks   Can you imagine a movie or an episode of your favourite tv-show without the music? Undoubtedly, some scores are lodged in your brain like a bullet – as they are in mine. Whenever I watch any sea life documentary, for instance, Jaws’ ba-dam…ba-dam…. appears in my head. It’s almost Pavlov… Everytime any…

Women and Supernatural: Sex or Subtext?

Many women have crossed the landscape of Supernatural.  They cover a variety of types:  maternal – Mary, Ellen, Missouri; some are lovers, Jessica, Cassie; some had potential for love/lover status Layla, Sarah, Madison, Lindsey, Jo; some were manipulative, Meg, Ruby, Bela; some were ‘in the right place at the right time, Dr. Cara, Anna; andthere…

Supernatural 2009 – The Little Moments That Make Me Smile

Almost every episode has them.  Usually episodes can be categorized as either not a winner, dividing the fandom, or being a major classic. With almost every episode though, there is a small little moment between the characters that make us smile or giggle.  Subtle reminders as to why we love this show. They aren’t earth shattering or ground breaking,…

Unconquerable Souls

‘Unconquerable Souls’    Poetry That Could Be Supernatural     As some of you will already have noticed I read a lot, and I have a soft spot for poetry. Give me Shakespeare at any time, and I’m happy. Now, some of my best-loved poems have begun to remind me of my favourite tv-show and…