Notes in the Margin: Supernatural Novel “Witch’s Canyon”

Notes in the Margin: Supernatural Novel “Witch’s Canyon”

As part of my very slow moving project to read all of the Supernatural tie-in novels, I recently completed Witch’s Canyon. This book was released in October, 2007. It was written by Jeff Mariotte, who also wrote tie-in novels for Buffy, Angel, Spiderman, Criminal Minds and Star Trek. Given the publication date, one can assume…

Supernatural: H-Day (Part 4)

Supernatural: H-Day (Part 4)

Previously on Supernatural… Part 1Part 2Part 3 * * *             “What is it?” asked Sam when Bela suddenly glanced up.             “I don’t know something just… I don’t know.”             Sam glanced at the watch.             “He’s always punctual,” Dean said as he hoisted his shotgun and stepped out from the children’s ward into…