Sablegreen’s Exclusive Interview With Julie McNiven

We’re only one week into “Supernatural’s” long four month summer hiatus and many Super-fans are already feeling separation anxiety.  To hopefully alleviate some of this tension, I will be doing a series of interviews with some of the most talented and beautiful guest stars that have graced our series during the last six years.

He’s Not A Robot: A Very Amusing Interview With Misha Collins – SPN Russia

Our good friend Marta at Supernatural Russia managed to score a huge interview, an exclusive with Misha Collins.  As they have done with us in the past, Supernatural Russia is allowing The Winchester Family Business to print the English translation of this interview in its entirety.  The interview in it’s Russian form can be found…

A WFB Exclusive: Interview With Supernatural Showrunner/Executive Producer Sera Gamble

Fans of "Supernatural" have been given a rare treat in network television this season.  Very few shows make it to its sixth season, but “Supernatural” has gotten to do more than that.  It's been able to run the planned five year mytharc to conclusion and go from there with something exciting and different.  A reboot.  “Supernatural…

Smallville Press Room Transcripts and Reports From Comic Con 2010

It’s no secret that many “Supernatural” fans are also “Smallville” fans.  Many found the former because it came after the latter. The two shows are an iconic sci-fi pairing that have managed to consistently perform well for their networks year after year after year. They’re now together again after a year apart for what is “Smallville’s” final…

Sera Gamble Interview – Comic Con 2010 Press Room

Sera Gamble arrived, our table being the last group to talk to before going to the panel. The room was pretty noisy and crazy by now, for everyone was prepping for the press room/ballroom switch between “Supernatural” and “Smallville.” Still, she gave us her undivided attention and even complimented me on the “Ghostfacers” t-shirt I was wearing. She…

Jared Padalecki Interview – Comic Con Press Room

Here it is, the transcription of my round table interview with Jared Padalecki at today’s “Supernatural” press room at Comic Con. We were very fortunate to get five minutes with him and we learned a lot in that short time, likely because he talks pretty fast.  Out of all the people we talked to, Jared spoiled the…

Exclusive Behind The Scenes Interview With The Producers of Ghostfacers

Exclusive Behind The Scenes Interview With The Producers of Ghostfacers

It’s a Winchester Family Business exclusive! Since we’ve been honoring Ghostfacers recently and their bid for an Emmy nomination, Ardeospina was able to get a list of her burning questions answered about this innovative web series. We are most honored to present some great answers from the core members of the production and creative team. The following questions…