Bardicvoice’s Take, “Supernatural” 8.10 – “Torn And Frayed”:  I Can’t Enjoy A World I Need To Save

Bardicvoice’s Take, “Supernatural” 8.10 – “Torn And Frayed”: I Can’t Enjoy A World I Need To Save

8.10 Torn And Frayed: I Can’t Enjoy A World I Need To Save   Who controls angels? Crowley and Naomi both Tamper with base code.   Commentary And Meta Analysis      Torn and frayed pretty well described all of our heroes by the end of this episode. But despite being torn and frayed, a…

Ramblings On…Supernatural Episode 8×10: “Torn and Frayed”

Ramblings On…Supernatural Episode 8×10: “Torn and Frayed”

Sunday the 13th was Kim Manner’s birthday.  Even though he passed away back in 2009, I can’t help but wonder when I watch a scene what Kim would have done with it.  On Saturday the 12th, really with not much prior plannning, a few of us decided to watch a few episodes in honor of…

Far Away Eyes’ review: “Supernatural” 8.10 – “Torn and Frayed”

Far Away Eyes’ review: “Supernatural” 8.10 – “Torn and Frayed”

“Torn and Frayed” is an aptly named episode. The song, from the Rolling Stones album Exile on Mainstreet,  and its lyrics touch on two of its storylines: Dean and Benny and Sam and Amelia. The lyric reads, “Just as long as the guitar plays, let it steal your heart away.” In this particular episode, the…

Alice’s Review – Supernatural 8.10 – “Torn and Frayed”

Alice’s Review – Supernatural 8.10 – “Torn and Frayed”

“I can’t enjoy a world I need to save, Dean.  I can enjoy it when this is all over with.  Right now, there’s nothing more important than this.”  Kevin pretty much summed up this entire episode in one sentence.  It’s an important lesson, putting all else above your happiness, but that’s probably why in the…

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.10 – “Torn and Frayed”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.10 – “Torn and Frayed”

And here we are, back in business! Hellatus over! Hooray!   I can’t tell you how happy I was to have “Supernatural” back. Seriously. I spent the afternoon beaming! I had a day off work so I actually watched it live (don’t ask me how ‘k?) and I was so chirpy after it, which is…

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.09 – “Citizen Fang”

sweetondean’s Wrap Up of “Supernatural” 8.09 – “Citizen Fang”

Hi! How are we all feeling? A little fragile? This hiatus is going to be harsh, Stupid CW changing their return date. You know, I’m at work while most of you watch the show and this week my twitter was going nutso! I get alerts when someone tweets me and I kept getting “Oh Amy,…

Ramblings On…Supernatural Episode 8×09: “Citizen Fang”

Ramblings On…Supernatural Episode 8×09: “Citizen Fang”

Wednesday night the mid season finale aired and quite a bit is out in the open!  After seeing how civil the brothers have been to each other the last couple of episodes, we see a bit of that eruption we have been expecting! Daniel Loflin wrote this one alone. Andrew Dabb wrote Hunteri Heroici.  Since…

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 8.09 – “Citizen Fang”

Sofia’s Review: Supernatural 8.09 – “Citizen Fang”

Seeing episodes like this one make me wish that I could just bottle up the awesomeness that is ‘Supernatural’. I don’t know about you guys but I loved everything about this episode. Yes, harsh things were said, feelings were hurt and brothers were betrayed but that drama keeps fans like myself totally engaged. So needless…

Alice’s Review – Supernatural 8.09, “Citizen Fang” aka It’s Not Easy to See Things For What They Are

Alice’s Review – Supernatural 8.09, “Citizen Fang” aka It’s Not Easy to See Things For What They Are

I’m setting aside all conspiracy theories this week.  I’m taking the whole episode for what we were given, because taking this suspense filled hour anywhere else will blow my freaking mind.   Now that’s out of the way, HOLY MOTHER OF CHUCK!  That was one very emotionally gut wrenching, dig-my-nails-into-the-armchair hour of television.  I cried, I…