Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.05- “Dog Dean Afternoon”

No other show tackles the wacky and tongue in cheek the way Supernatural does. We’ve had talking suicidal teddy bears, alternate realities where the show is a show, microwaved fairies, and an angel turned into a toy. We’ve had drawings of children come to horrific life—and unicorns with rainbows. Supernatural takes risks that allow it…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.05, “Dog Dean Afternoon”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 9.05, “Dog Dean Afternoon”

Gee, it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these things, huh?  While some might think that a reviewer taking time off from reviews means displeasure with a show, that couldn’t be the farthest from the truth.  There have been some circumstances in my personal life recently that have limited my time to the…

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

Once again we learn that Winchesters’ Law is immutable: “Every time a character appears on Supernatural, the odds of their death will eventually reach 1.” They just don’t always stay that way… Then there’s… man, two weeks in a row of crap? Sure I was on board with this episode for most of the way…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.04- “Slumber Party”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.04- “Slumber Party”

Supernatural never shies away from the meta-fictional—and “Slumber Party” takes that tradition to new heights. Ever since the Tulpa hunt in “Hell House,” the acknowledgment that Supernatural is indeed fiction has been toyed with and brought to the forefront. It is a tongue in cheek addition and an open discussion on the nature of story….

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of “Supernatural” 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of “Supernatural” 9.04 – “Slumber Party”

  Aww there’s no place like home…. *wibble* I must admit to getting a little misty eyed at the end there. Me being me, I really hope that was Sam going, “Well, maybe.” He’s such a thoughtful guy, he would’ve considered what Dean said and why exactly he’s not thinking of the bunker as a…

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.03 – “I’m No Angel”

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.03 – “I’m No Angel”

So… yeah… The Good: The scenes where Castiel interacted with civilians were really good. I like that the show continues to show us religious people who are actual people and not caricatures. The bit in the church was MOSTLY ok (it should have ended a minute earlier). April was also easy on the eyes, the…