Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.10- “Road Trip”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.10- “Road Trip”

The first half of season nine explored Castiel’s experience as the new Adam, the fall of angels from Heaven, and the aftermath of the Trials—particularly that of Dean allowing Gadreel to possess his brother, Sam. We watched each of these stories reflect or weave around a particular center—the Garden of Eden and the Fall of…

Supernatural Review 9.10, “Road Trip” – Healing Journeys

Supernatural Review 9.10, “Road Trip” – Healing Journeys

Healing Journeys Thank you, Andrew Dabb, for giving me such an amazing episode for my first review on this site. “Road Trip” has it all—excellent writing, excellent performances, and excellent personal and mythological arc development. I have enjoyed season nine so far, but I had a few niggling doubts about the exploration of the brothers’…

Thoughts on Supernatural 9×09 – “Holy Terror”

Thoughts on Supernatural 9×09 – “Holy Terror”

Thoughts on 9×09 – Holy Terror After the shell-shocking midseason finale, I’m still sifting through remnants of heart break and stunning revelations to pick of the pieces that have been left moving forward in the New Year. And what an ending this was – death, deception and divine alliances united for mass destruction that promise…

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.09- “Holy Terror”

Far Away Eyes’ Review: “Supernatural” 9.09- “Holy Terror”

The Garden of Eden has played a beautiful backdrop to the season storylines—and in “Holy Terror,” we realize that it has been the epicenter for which all the stories revolve around elegantly. The Garden and the Fall have been laced throughout the episodes leading up to this one in very particular ways. Supernatural wisely uses…

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.09 – “Holy Terror”

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.09 – “Holy Terror”

Nope, we’re not talking about Frank Miller’s comic story here. You know, I remember a time when I looked forward to Castiel’s appearances and furthering of the season arcs… Ok ok, to shake things up, I’m going to get all my complaining in FIRST, then end with everything positive I liked about this episode. …There’s…

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.08 – “Rock and A Hard Place”

Nate Winchester’s Journal: Supernatural 9.08 – “Rock and A Hard Place”

It’s that time again! Welcome to the Winchesters’ Annual Deicide! Alright, everyone got their drinks ready for the game? Dean gets trapped with a girl, waiting for the demigod to eat them and Sam to save them? Drink. Demigod spills that “something’s wrong” with Sam? Drink. Bobby gets stabbed? Well his replacement. Fake out? No….

sweetondean’s wrap-up of the “Supernatural” mid-season finale: “Holy Terror”

sweetondean’s wrap-up of the “Supernatural” mid-season finale: “Holy Terror”

  I woke up the morning after “Holy Terror” with images in my mind of Kevin Tran’s smouldering empty eyesockets, Sam’s feet going up the stairs and Dean in a crumpled mess on the bunker floor crying one perfect tear and saying “Kevin….Kevin.” Those images have been bouncing around in my brain ever since this…

Thoughts on Supernatural 9×08: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Thoughts on Supernatural 9×08: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Thoughts on 9×08: Between a Rock and a Hard Place Non-stop laughter. That’s pretty much the extent of this episode, alongside bad-ass Winchester moments and with an emotional cherry-on-top ending that sobered the whole thing right back up. As nearly the entire season has been to date, this again delivered the old-school feel while maintaining…

Ardeospina’s Review of “Supernatural” 9.08: Let’s Talk About Dean and Suzy

Ardeospina’s Review of “Supernatural” 9.08: Let’s Talk About Dean and Suzy

  I want to talk about “Rock And A Hard Place.”  Specifically, I want to talk about the things I found hugely problematic. But before I do that, I want to make it clear that these are my opinions and my interpretations of what we were presented on the show. If you don’t agree with…

sweetondean’s Wrap-Up of Supernatural 9.08 – “Rock and a Hard Place”

  Owies. The pain! Here I was having a perfectly good time. There was creepy scenes, scary dungeonous pits, awesome Sam and Jody being awesome, Dean being cocky, bummed out, nervous, awkward and then…um… Olé! It was all kind of joyous and then…IT WASN’T! Oh Supernatural; when you’re really good, you’re really painful! Before I…