Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.17 “Red Meat”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.17 “Red Meat”

“To the pain.” The phrase will be familiar to any fan of the movie The Princess Bride, but it is most appropriate for the Supernatural episode “Red Meat.” Rather than taking everything but the ears as Westley threatens Humperdink in the movie, we see each character tested in their own ways. In many ways, the…

Alice’s Review:  Supernatural 11.17, “Red Meat” aka a Hurt!Winchester Visual Fiesta

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.17, “Red Meat” aka a Hurt!Winchester Visual Fiesta

I’ve been reviewing “Supernatural” a long time.  I started way back in season three and a few hundred episodes later I’m still looking at each one of these episodes under a microscope.  It’s amazing how many of these eps, especially in the hands of lesser writers, become paint by number affairs.  Tell a standard MOTW…

WEDNESDAY’S WATCHING Supernatural 11.16 “Safe House”

WEDNESDAY’S WATCHING Supernatural 11.16 “Safe House”

WEDNESDAY’S WATCHING Supernatural 11.16 “Safe House” Writer: Robbie Thompson Director: Stefan Pleszczynski Director of Photography C.S.C: Serge Ladouceur Airdate: 23.03.2016 BY WEDNESDAY A marvel of juxtaposition. It’s complicated. WHAT DID I WATCH? THE SCRIPT Having two “elderly statesmen” carry on hunting in an entertaining manner underlines the possibility that Dean and Sam could carry on…

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.16 “Safe House”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.16 “Safe House”

Sometimes the big picture can overwhelm us. Sometimes it can obscure things, making it hard to see what is truly important. It can make us focus so intensely on it that we can be left discouraged and frustrated. It can make us feel the goal is unattainable. It can be so consuming that we forget…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.16, “Safe House” aka Grumpy Old Men of Letters

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 11.16, “Safe House” aka Grumpy Old Men of Letters

There.  That’s the show I know and love.    I admit that I was less enthused coming back from the month long break.  Episodes 11-15 were lackluster at best (minus the brilliant “The Vessel”).  I also knew that the show doesn’t like digging to the mytharc until about episode 17 or 18, so we were…

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.15 “Beyond the Mat”

Far Away Eyes’ Deeper Look Supernatural 11.15 “Beyond the Mat”

On the surface, it would seem that the two stories in “Beyond the Mat” run on parallel lines never to meet. Dig deeper, and we can see that they not only intersect, they reflect one another. Each builds on the other in subtle ways that allows us to explore character, motive, and the conflicts yet…

Wednesday’s Watching: Supernatural 11.15 “Beyond The Mat”

Wednesday’s Watching: Supernatural 11.15 “Beyond The Mat”

WEDNESDAY’S WATCHING Supernatural 11.15 “Beyond the Mat” Writers: John Bring and Andrew Dabb Director: Jerry Wanek Director of Photography: C.S.C: Serge Ladouceur Airdate: 24.02.2016 BY WEDNESDAY Bring it on! A BEHIND THE SCENES peek at what goes on behind the wrestling mat. John Winchester took his sons to the Top Notch Wrestling shows for diverting…