Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.14 – “The Raid” aka “In Defense Of…”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.14 – “The Raid” aka “In Defense Of…”

The roller coaster ride continues.  This week we’re up, and suddenly there’s a potential thrill to this ride.  The question is, will we hit bottom again next week like we did last week?  Personally, I don’t care.  I want to hang onto this little gem for a while and not let go.  

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.12 – “Stuck in the Middle (With You)” aka Tarantino Meets SPN Verse

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.12 – “Stuck in the Middle (With You)” aka Tarantino Meets SPN Verse

I’m going to tell you why I loved this episode so much.  No doubt, “Stuck in the Middle (With You)” was a full blown homage to filmmaker Quentin Tarantino and that makes me very happy.  I love this man’s films and got every shout out they were going for.  For the most part, the effort…

Alice’s Review:  Supernatural 12.10 – “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.10 – “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets”

I’ll admit, I had some low expectations going into this episode.  I was actually happy to see that we would be getting something Castiel centric because we don’t get enough Castiel stories given his role in this show.  There is certainly a lot of untapped potential in his background.  “Lily Sundar Has Some Regrets” was…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.09 – “First Blood” aka WWED (What Would Edlund Do?)

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.09 – “First Blood” aka WWED (What Would Edlund Do?)

Such a brilliant premise, such well shot scenes, such a powerful ending…such a huge waste of a golden opportunity  Sigh, another season twelve dud.     When I see episodes like “First Blood” where a tense situation is afoot, I often ask, “WWED?”  What’s that you ask?  “What would Edlund do?” of course!  He would…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.08 – “LOTUS” aka The Book of Enoch Meets “Jus in Bello”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.08 – “LOTUS” aka The Book of Enoch Meets “Jus in Bello”

Color me surprised!  I went into “LOTUS” with some incredibly low, sub zero basement low, if not totally despondent expectations.  I mean, how in the world were they going to turn around this fiasco known as season 12? The synopsis had me believing this, to quote Comic Book Guy, would be the worst…episode…ever.  Given the…

Alice’s Review:  Supernatural 12.07 – “Rock Never Dies” aka Distraction Addicts Anonymous

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.07 – “Rock Never Dies” aka Distraction Addicts Anonymous

Um…   You know, on the first watch, “Rock Never Dies” wasn’t so bad.  No, it wasn’t very exciting.  I remember when it was half over I thought, “There’s still 30 minutes left of this?”  Pacing was glacial to say the least.  But honestly, three things made it a watchable episode for me.  First, I’m…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.06: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.06: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox

Like much of season 12 to date, there is a pleasant classic flavour to Asa Fox without sacrificing original, fresh storytelling along the way. Asa is another character-heady tale, with strong writing and unique insights into the hunter community, all the while bringing together a resilient collection of mother-figures around the Winchesters.

Threads: Supernatural 12.06 “Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox”

Threads: Supernatural 12.06 “Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox”

The Morning After Now THAT was an outstanding Supernatural episode! “Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox” had a generous helping of genuinely emotional moments, an original and exciting hunt, interesting family dynamics, continuity of character and plot history, and an outstanding selection of rock music (that has been missing from far too many episodes).

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 12.06 “Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 12.06 “Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox”

This week’s episode is entitled “Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox” and was written by new show writer Steve Yockey and directed by veteran director John Badham. The episode begins with a very comprehensive preview that spans all the seasons, especially focusing on the hunting life.