Threads: Supernatural 12.20 “Twigs and Twine and Tasha Banes”

Threads: Supernatural 12.20 “Twigs and Twine and Tasha Banes”

The Morning After Well that was a depressing, nobody wins episode! Supernatural’s “Twigs and Twine and Tasha Banes” (“Tasha”) brought back twin hunters Alicia and Max Banes, who I have loved since their introduction in “Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox” (what’s with these LONG episode names??). I eagerly awaited their return, hoping for many…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.19 – “The Future”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.19 – “The Future”

Huh, that was interesting.  That’s good “interesting.”  I can’t explain how or why, but I thought this was a well done hour.  I’ve been really missing Castiel and I’ve been skeptical about this whole Luci baby drama.  I like this turn.  Is the baby good or evil?  Please let it be good.  That would be…

Threads: Supernatural 12.19 “The Future”

Threads: Supernatural 12.19 “The Future”

The Morning After Another shocking Supernatural season 12 episode! I honestly thought “The Future” was one of the most exciting and interesting episodes of the season, an opinion which by itself is probably a shock to many members of the Supernatural family! After being whiplashed with surprises that were sometimes so close together I couldn’t…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 12.19 – “The Future”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 12.19 – “The Future”

Apologies for the delayed spec tonight.  Bookdal had a prior engagement and her fill in, aka moi, couldn’t watch until 9:30.  But yeah, this Castiel and Kelly centric story changed things up a bit, don’t you think?  Let’s get to the recap. We start in a dingy basement.  Kelly Kline is looking worse for wear…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.18 – “The Memory Remains” aka “Old School”

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.18 – “The Memory Remains” aka “Old School”

Whew!  What a relief.  I was really starting to think that “Supernatural” had forgotten what it was truly about.  Thank you John Bring and Phil Sgriccia for reminding everyone.   While I’m not going to go as far as calling “The Memory Remains” a series classic or even a totally brilliant hour, it was a…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.17 – “The British Invasion” aka Haven’t We Learned From the Stynes?

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.17 – “The British Invasion” aka Haven’t We Learned From the Stynes?

What the hell?  What in the world was that?  How did anyone think that tone deaf hour would pass as…   (Deep breaths…High road, High road…)   Okay, let’s try again.  How do I put this mildly?  “The British Invasion” was bitterly disappointing.   I, like most fans, have various reactions after watching a “Supernatural”…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.16, “Ladies Drink Free” aka Where’s My Pool Scene?

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 12.16, “Ladies Drink Free” aka Where’s My Pool Scene?

So, a funny thing happen on the way to watching my DVR recording of “Supernatural” on Thursday.  Everyone was pixelated, choppy, and talking in really strange voices.  I swear it was possessed.  Granted that actually improved the character of Claire for me, but that’s not the point (I’m kidding!). Bottom line, I couldn’t watch until…

Why Supernatural 12.12 “Stuck in the Middle (With You)” Works

Why Supernatural 12.12 “Stuck in the Middle (With You)” Works

Hello and welcome to “Why _ works (or doesn’t)”, where I go over in detail why an episode of the show succeeded or failed.  If you like or hate this, let me know and feel free to shout out suggestions for episodes that should go on the chopping block or praise podium. Today I’m analyzing…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 12.15 “Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 12.15 “Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell”

Hellhounds!  Angels on the hunt!  Men of Letters drama!    This is your friendly neighborhood WFB admin filling in this week for Bookdal, who was thankfully spared from having to recap this glacially paced, completely awkward, totally filler episode.  I’ve tried to keep tonights spec to the recap, but if you see small outbursts here…