Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 14.02 “Gods and Monsters”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 14.02 “Gods and Monsters”

The show begins with Alt Michael strangling Dean in the bunker.  The word “Then” appears, and we see a quick summary of the end of last season’s final episode:  Jack’s eyes glowing as he overpowers AUMichael, Lucifer stealing Jack’s grace, Dean shouting, “Sammy!” as Sam and Jack disappear with Lucifer, Dean saying he has no…

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 14.01 – “Stranger in a Strange Land” aka Glass Half Full/Half Empty

Alice’s Review: Supernatural 14.01 – “Stranger in a Strange Land” aka Glass Half Full/Half Empty

I struggled with the review this week for two reasons.  First, it’s hard to come in and do a review when the ones before mine seemed to nail the intent and deeper elements of the episode very well.  Kudos to Nightsky, FarAwayEyes and Nate Winchester for their well done analysis.  Second, I’ve been staring at…

Deeper Look Supernatural 14.01: What Does Sam Want?

Deeper Look Supernatural 14.01: What Does Sam Want?

“What do you want?” This seems to be the crux of the Supernatural episode “Stranger in a Strange Land.” Almost every character gets asked this important question in some manner. Almost every character has an answer. Jamil, the Syrian refugee, answers Michael, “Peace. And love.” Nick, Lucifer’s former vessel, wants peace and quiet from the…

Threads: Supernatural 14.01 “Stranger  in a Strange Land”

Threads: Supernatural 14.01 “Stranger in a Strange Land”

The Morning After Hot! That is the single word that best summarizes Supernatural’s season 14 premiere, “Stranger in a Strange Land”. Want more words? Sizzling. Scorching. Embarrassed I’m watching it with my husband, hot. Did anyone else think Jared fried the pixels on their screens as he portrayed a superbly confident leader who was quietly…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 14.01 “Stranger in a Strange Land”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 14.01 “Stranger in a Strange Land”

On The Road So Far,  Dean and Sam are discussing whether monsters and demons could ever be completely ended:  “Could we stop it – all the evil in the world?”  We see flashbacks of Jack with his powers, of the alternate universe, of Mary and Bobby, Lucifer and Michael, and finally of Lucifer’s death and…

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 13.12 Various & Sundry Villains

Welcome back to the Supernatural “Memorable Moments” series! For episode 13.12, ” Various and Sundry Villains”, I once again put together a list of what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from the story. The list varies from episode to episode depending on what transpired.  I hope you enjoy it and share what…