Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.02 – Devil May Care

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.02 – Devil May Care

Ugh.  You know, I went into this rewatch with an open mind.  After all, I vaguely remembered Abaddon being a real bad ass, a wicked Ezekiel reveal, and some crap with Crowley.  After revisiting, it’s all quite a downer.   Still, “Devil May Care” wasn’t a total loss.  Why don’t I do a “Good, Bad,…

Reviews That I Missed:  Supernatural 9.01 – “I Think I’m Gonna Like it Here”

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.01 – “I Think I’m Gonna Like it Here”

Before I get started, I should give a disclaimer.  I hated season nine.  Granted I watched most of the episodes only once, and it’s been a while since I’ve revisited, but this was the season that really started my discontent with Supernatural.  In going back and reviewing the multiple number of episodes I didn’t review…

Walker Roundup Season Three Episode Eighteen “It’s a Nice Day for a Ranger Wedding”

Walker Roundup Season Three Episode Eighteen “It’s a Nice Day for a Ranger Wedding”

It has been almost a month since the Walker Season 3 finale, giving time to reflect on the perfect culmination of one season and the set up for what is to come in the next episode. All this season of Walker, the Walker extended family was recovering from the past to start a better future….

Wrangling Walker Season Three Episode Eighteen “It’s A Nice Day for a Ranger Wedding”

Wrangling Walker Season Three Episode Eighteen “It’s A Nice Day for a Ranger Wedding”

What a great season finale! Thankfully, Walker’s been renewed so we don’t have to hang from the edge of the cliff too long. As usual, I’ll leave the recap to others and talk about what I liked (most of it) and what gave me pause (a few things).

Walker Roundup Season Three Episode Seventeen “It Writes Itself”

Walker Roundup Season Three Episode Seventeen “It Writes Itself”

Walker “It Writes Itself,” 3.17 is the penultimate episode of the season, and it finally explains the tagline for Season 3, “Surrender to Yourself.” It represents the idea of stop fighting yourself, your memories, what you want, and face what’s bothering you, even if it’s scary. Though all the people do this to different degrees,…

Wrangling Walker: Season Three Episode Seventeen, “It Writes Itself”

Wrangling Walker: Season Three Episode Seventeen, “It Writes Itself”

We’re coming down to the end of Season 3, and this episode seems focused on second chances. Just when we think it’s safe to turn our attention to friends and family, there’s the definite clue that some group still has it in for the Walkers and their friends. I’m going to leave the detailed recap…

Walker Roundup Season Three Episode Sixteen “Daddy Was a Bank Robber”

Walker Roundup Season Three Episode Sixteen “Daddy Was a Bank Robber”

“Daddy Was a Bank Robber” is such a great title for Walker 3.16, where everyone is introduced to Sadie, Hoyt’s daughter. A strong theme this season is how the past affects the present. This episode deals with working through that past for a better future. Some have already done the work, others are still in…

Wrangling Walker: Season Three Episode Sixteen “Daddy was a Bank Robber”

After several case-focused episodes, catching up with family drama was inevitable. This week’s episode did a good job of providing insight into how the characters were dealing with recent events—and added a surprise. I’ll skip the recap and go straight to what I liked best and what made me scratch my head.

Reviews That I Missed:  Supernatural Episode 8.14 – “Trial and Error”

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural Episode 8.14 – “Trial and Error”

“Trial and Error” is a mixed bag.  It’s the episode that kicked off the trials, a big season 8 arc, and history has proved this one to be essential, like all the way to the series finale essential.  Still, despite all that, I would only call it partially brilliant.  Most of the time, “Trial and…