Alice’s Review:  “Supernatural” 15.04 – “Atomic Monsters” aka When Fans and Writers Collide

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 15.04 – “Atomic Monsters” aka When Fans and Writers Collide

“Oh, Becky. I can do anything. I’m a writer.” Davy Perez really opened a can of worms in “Atomic Monsters,” hasn’t he?  I spent a good long week trying to process the underlying messages about the writers vs. the fans and it’s clever.  Wickedly clever.  It all leads to a three way struggle for between…

Supernatural 15×04 “Atomic Monsters”–Coping and Changing

Supernatural 15×04 “Atomic Monsters”–Coping and Changing

I am completely and utterly FLOORED by the depth this episode provided, not only for the storyline of the Winchesters but for the story of Becky and Chuck. I mentioned that I had some thoughts about this episode on my Twitter, and I’m hoping that I can make them cohesive here. Before I go anywhere,…

Threads: Supernatural 15.04 “Atomic Monsters”

Threads: Supernatural 15.04 “Atomic Monsters”

The Morning After Well that was intense – in a sneaky, you don’t feel the trauma until it’s over, kind of way. Supernatural 15.04 “Atomic Monsters” had all the signs of being a filler, monster-of-the-week story. Small town mystery of disappearing teens puts the boys together on the road again chasing a case to get…

Alice’s Review:  “Supernatural” 15.03 – “The Rupture”

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 15.03 – “The Rupture”

Me:  Dean, haven’t we talked about building those walls?  Keeping those you love at arm’s length, being emotionally unavailable? It will result in your worst fear, you will be all alone.  Those walls will crumble on you.  Dean:  Yeah, well how about this wall?  (Scene of gruesome violence involving one very large brick wall…)  …

Nightsky and Lynn Watch Supernatural 15.03 “The Rupture” (tissues not optional)

Nightsky and Lynn Watch Supernatural 15.03 “The Rupture” (tissues not optional)

As sometimes happens with SPNFamily, I rewatched Supernatural 15.03, “The Rupture” with a friend and fellow fangirl, Lynn Zubernis of FangasmSPN. Lynn and I both write weekly reviews of Supernatural’s episodes, each for different fan sites, and while we each favor a different  brother, ship different pairings, and sometimes have extremely different reactions to episodes,…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.03 “The Rupture”

THEN:  ghosts; Belphegor; the taillights of the Impala; Ketch asking about Jack and Cas telling him that Jack is dead, killed by God; Ketch saying that a demon named Ardat hired him to kill Belphegor; Rowena using the soul vacuum; Dean telling Rowena, “Sam kills you;”  the hell ghosts plotting to escape; Sam saying they…