Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit the Earth”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit the Earth”

THEN – Amara, shooting stars, Chuck is bent on destruction.  Jack explodes in the Empty.  Billie with her scythe.  With her book about how God ends.  People poofing away.  Cas’s smile and tear-filled eyes.   NOW – Kyoto, Japan – empty.  New York City – empty.  A playground – empty.  A swing.  A horse on springs. …

Alice’s Review:  “Supernatural” 15.18, “Despair” aka Kill ‘Em With Melodrama

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 15.18, “Despair” aka Kill ‘Em With Melodrama

Okay… I just didn’t love this.  Perhaps it’s exhaustion.  We just went through an intensely grueling week for the US election, I recently moved and I’m still staring at a never ending sea of unpacked boxes, work has been nuts lately, and honestly this show as it’s winding down isn’t giving me much to work…

Threads: Supernatural 15.18 “Despair”

Threads: Supernatural 15.18 “Despair”

The Morning After Stunned. Shell Shocked. Numb… and in awe. Those are all descriptors of how I’m feeling the morning after seeing Supernatural’s “Despair”.  It was a complex finale-level episode, written by Robert Berens and artistically directed by Richard Speight, Jr.  So much happened, it’s hard to sort through emotions to even begin to comprehend…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.18 “Despair”

THEN:  Sergei has a key to Death’s Library.  The Empty, dressed as Meg, tells them that Billie wants to take over.  The Empty attacks Cas.  Chuck and Amara hold hands, and Chuck absorbs his sister.  Dean tells Jack, “It’s time.”  Jack’s eyes glow with power.  Sam insists that Billie is playing them.  Dean pulls his…

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 15.17, “Unity,” aka Smoke and Mirrors

Alice’s Review: “Supernatural” 15.17, “Unity,” aka Smoke and Mirrors

Wow…well…that’s a humdinger.  So much to take in.  The further I dug into this review, the more my head started to hurt!  But then I accepted that I should be thrilled that we all have something big to talk about.   The plots have been so superficial of late and this was anything but.  “Unity”…