Robin’s Ramblings – “Sam Interrupted”

Robin’s Ramblings – “Sam Interrupted”

(Note from Alice) As I mentioned in the “Share Your Reactions” article, Robin Vogel is going to begin sharing her episode reviews for Supernatural here on our site.  I’m very pleased to have her unique point of view.  So enjoy and try to answer the questions raised.  There’s no right answer!  ————————————— Episode 5.11 Sam, Interrupted –Robin’s Ramblings   Poor Susan! Who…

Review: “Abandon All Hope…”

Well look who went and got motivated yesterday.  I had the chance to type up some thoughts and get it out to blogcritics pretty quickly.  It was just published this morning so you can find it here: Also, Maureen Ryan at the Chicago Tribune put out her review yesterday.  She calls it the best…

Elle’s Thoughts – “The Real Ghostbusters”

Elle’s Thoughts – “The Real Ghostbusters”

Elle does apologize for the lateness, but still she has some great things to say about last week’s episode, “The Real Ghostbusters.” Also, I finally got my review to Blogcritics too.  This one is completely different.  It really ends up be a little analysis about the episode in relation to my visit to the Chicago…

Elle2’s Review – “Changing Channels”

Elle2’s Review – “Changing Channels”

Elle2 was also so inspired by “Changing Channels” that she too sent a review!  Granted she still can’t commit to doing a review each episode right now, but this one was too good to pass up.  As usual, she has some wonderful thoughts.  Enjoy! —————————————– Changing Channels – by Elle2   I love Supernatural! There,…

Elle’s Review – “The Curious Case of Dean Winchester”

Elle’s Review – “The Curious Case of Dean Winchester”

(From Alice): I have elle’s fantastic review for “The Curious Case of Dean Winchester.”  Considering this is especially a polarizing episode, its always good to get another great point of view and she gives a good one.   And now for elle’s review.   —————————————————— Thoughts on The Curious Case of Dean Winchester So, it was…

Elle’s Review – “I Believe The Children Are Our Future”

Elle’s Review – “I Believe The Children Are Our Future”

First, allow me to apologize for the lateness of this review. My life has been undergoing some significant upheaval in the last little while, on top of midterms, no less. Thank you to Alice for her patience with me. I just touched on the main points that stood out to me in this episode, apologies…