Robin’s Rambles – “Hammer of The Gods”

Robin’s Rambles – “Hammer of The Gods”

“Hammer of the Gods” –Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel   Poor cop–I wonder what he was doing there, anyway? Weird goings-on to investigate? Why didn’t any of his fellow officers follow up? Why did the tulip come back to life? Why do gods eat people, anyway? That’s not nice!   The gods fight like children, are…

Robin’s Rambles – “Dark Side of The Moon”

Robin’s Rambles – “Dark Side of The Moon”

“Dark Side of the Moon” –Robin’s Rambles by Robin Vogel   “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” usually makes me cry, and in conjunction with the brothers, ALWAYS! The memory of the brothers playing with fireworks, having a great time together (and doing something John would have killed them for) also made me teary, especially with that…

I Wuv Hugz

I Wuv Hugz

  Recap Then: We start with a montage of some of the Winchester brothers’ most memorable deaths and Bobby’s voice saying “how many times have you two died anyway?”  This can’t be good news for what’s to come.   Castiel’s trying to find God, and wants to do it using the amulet that Sam gave to Dean…