“My Bloody Valentine” – Share Your Reaction

I absolutely love these holiday themed episodes.  First they ruined Christmas, then Halloween even though everyday is Halloween for the Winchesters (yes I’m humming Ministry), plus Birthdays have been touched as well.  So, why not Valentine’s Day?  I thought it would have been the first choice.  You know this day will be especially gorey since the assignment has been given to…

“The Song Remains The Same” – Share Your Thoughts

Here it is, episode night!  It’s also a mytharc episode, so bring on the apocalypse.  It’s been a while.  I’ve already seen this episode, (albeit on a rough cut with no visual effects) so I’m taking bets you’ll like it.  Or love it.  Or will find its “jaw hits the floor awesome.”  Oh heck, someone…

Was the Hellatus Worth It? Share Your Reactions on “Sam Interrupted”

It’s here!  It’s here!  Our 62 day ordeal is over!!!  There’s no grander feeling than episode night, especially after a long Hellatus.  So, settle in, unplug the phone, put the kids to bed and enjoy!  Afterward, come back here and tell us what you think.  I have an announcement too!  Robin Vogel, who’s been doing…

Significant Mothers of Supernatural, Part One:  One-Hit Wonders

Significant Mothers of Supernatural, Part One: One-Hit Wonders

Significant Mothers of Supernatural, Part One: One-Hit Wonders   We survived again! Officially less than one week to go in this long, long hiatus. My goal during Hellatus was to contribute more than the one measly piece I did, but that clearly didn’t happen. The one thing everyone knows about me (and my family) is…

The Dearly Departed

Dearly Departed…by Elle2   Inspired by Randal’s recent One Night Stands (and yes, I totally went the way of the gutter while preparing to read that…) I decided to write briefly about some of my favorite recurring characters who alas are no more. I’m putting them in my order of favor, least to most, although any…