Survival of the Kindest: The Healing Power of Kindness in Supernatural

We love our show, don’t we? ‘Thank you, Captain Obvious!’ Yes, it is obvious, but why? We have spoken about our reasons on this site frequently. I have done so, too, in various articles and comments. But because the show is so multi-faceted, the reasons for my love of Supernatural and its extraordinary, human heroes are, too. …

Part Two: Meta Fiction As A FunHouse – Seasons Five and Six

“The Real Ghostbusters,” mirrors the first ever direct meta episode, “Hell House,” in almost every way. It starts off with a massive prank—on Sam and Dean. They rush to a hotel because Chuck has sent out an SOS message. Upon their arrival, Chuck is surprised. The culprit behind this prank is their super fan, Becky,…

Meta Fiction As a Funhouse: How Supernatural Smashes and Distorts The Fourth Wall

As a television program, “Supernatural” has never been afraid to take dares. It’s tackled the Apocalypse. It has sent both of its main leads to Hell—and brought them back. It has had a main lead without a soul for half a season. It’s looked at all those things that go bump in the night and…

What’s Your Favorite Season (And How Do You Choose It)?

For me I often find my ‘favorite’ changes depending on what I’m in the mood for or how I choose to define what makes my favorite.  (of course there is one absolute, chocolate remains my favorite no matter the time of day, season of the year, mood I’m in, type of weather we’re experiencing…you name…

Paging the Winchester Pest Control Company

Paging the Winchester Pest Control Company

Paging the Winchester Pest Control Company,  or   Help!  There’s an Alpha under my desk!   Watching the wonderfully bright and entertaining “Frontierland” episode, and enjoying Dean in his new position of authority as the Sheriff, I got thinking back to a few of the more interesting jobs I’ve held over the years.  Then I started…

Let’s Speculate:  “Frontierland”

Let’s Speculate: “Frontierland”

Warning!!!!  If you haven’t seen the latest episode of “Supernatural” and the preview for next week, do not read this!  There is going to be plot-based speculation and discussion! You’ve been officially warned!   Yee-haw!  Cowboy looks good on the Winchesters, wouldn’t you say?  I think that was a really fun episode, even if it…

Let’s Speculate: The French Mistake

Let’s Speculate: The French Mistake

Warning!!!!  If you haven’t seen the latest episode of “Supernatural” and the preview for next week, do not read this!  There is going to be plot-based speculation and discussion! You’ve been officially warned!   If everyone has recovered enough from the laughing and the laughing and then more laughing, there are a couple things I…