Curled Around These Images: Cinematography, Supernatural 10.09 “The Things We Left Behind”

Curled Around These Images: Cinematography, Supernatural 10.09 “The Things We Left Behind”

Editor’s Note: This article was written by a very talented guest author, Ash48. She first published it on her Live Journal page. I was so impressed with her analysis of the visual symmetries in 10.09 “The Things We Left Behind” that I asked if we could cross-post her article here. Once I read her observations,…

Why Write Fanfiction?  A Response to Supernatural’s 200th Episode

Why Write Fanfiction? A Response to Supernatural’s 200th Episode

Every once in a while here at the Winchester Family Business we like to publish academic works, especially when the subject is a deeply analytical essay on Supernatural.  These pieces present theoretical elements that we don’t usually include in our typical articles.  Today we present a paper on “Fan Fiction” by guest writer Obianuju Enworom. …

Nate Winchester’s Remix of Supernatural 10.05 – “Fan Fiction”

Editor’s Note: Last week we saw Robbie Thompson’s musical celebration of Supernatural‘s 10 years. There are an infinite number of ways to interpret Supernatural‘s legacy, though, so for your musical enjoyment, Nate created a different musical presentation of 200 episodes of our beloved Supernatural characters and stories. Enjoy!