Memorable Moments: Supernatural 12.08 “Lotus”

Memorable Moments: Supernatural 12.08 “Lotus”

Welcome back to the “Memorable Moments” series for Supernatural season 12! Once again I have put together a photographic recap of what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from the show. This week I’m featuring 12.08 “Lotus”! The “Best” categories vary from episode to episode depending on what has transpired.  I hope…

Threads! Supernatural 12.15 “Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell”

Threads! Supernatural 12.15 “Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell”

The Morning After I thoroughly enjoyed “Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell”. Happily, I was totally engrossed in the Sam and Dean portion of the story. The hellhound special effects, the mystery surrounding the hound’s target, then the intended victim’s claim to not have sold her soul all kept me intrigued. Dean and Crowley’s conversations and…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.14: “The Raid”

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.14: “The Raid”

Oh, 12.14, I barely have the words to say how much I loved you! Prepare yourselves, dear readers, because the next several paragraphs are, largely, a love letter to this most recent episode. Truly, The Raid was an exceptional combination of storytelling, acting, and cinematography that came together at an ideal just-past-midway point in the…

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.13: “Family Feud”

Thoughts on Supernatural 12.13: “Family Feud”

This was a pretty successful, general episode. Nothing overtly flashy while also addressing some lingering issues and hopefully propelling the plot forward into the final, dramatic pieces of the season. It wasn’t perfect, but it was decent. Parenting runs amok of emotions and Lucifer casts shadows over everyone; in the end it comes down to…

Threads: Supernatural 12.12 “Stuck in the Middle (with you)”

Threads: Supernatural 12.12 “Stuck in the Middle (with you)”

The Morning After Well that was a unique and surprisingly creative episode! “Stuck in the Middle (with you)” kept the audience guessing from the first seconds in the diner to the last second when red eyes glared at us out of the darkness! The script, the direction, even the music, all worked together to keep…