Walker Season 3 “Fill in the Blank” Bonus Episode Recap/Review!

Walker Season 3 “Fill in the Blank” Bonus Episode Recap/Review!

Hello all and welcome to another episode of Walker! Or, well, sort of. What you are about to read (if you so desire) is not a review of a canon episode of Walker that aired on The CW. Rather, this is a fandom collaborative experience called “Let’s Write an Episode of Walker!” Simply put, I…

Cooler History Corner – Walker: Independence, The Dating Game in the Late 19th Century

Cooler History Corner – Walker: Independence, The Dating Game in the Late 19th Century

Walker: Independence is a CW show where there’s an insane amount of chemistry flying around on the screen. This isn’t exactly your Dr. Quinn vibe. So, I figured we could take a moment to describe the very prescribed and formal courtship rituals of the time, even when outside of high society and on the frontier.

Cooler History Corner – Walker: Independence, Diversity During the Reconstruction Era

Cooler History Corner – Walker: Independence, Diversity During the Reconstruction Era

WFB is being lovely enough to give me a space to nerd out on you. While some of this will be for more light hearted little factoids, we will be talking about some serious topics too. Seamus Fahey originally didn’t want to pin Walker: Independence down to a specific year. But so many of the…

Wrangling Walker Season 2 Episode 14 “No Such Thing as Fair Play”

Wrangling Walker Season 2 Episode 14 “No Such Thing as Fair Play”

Now that was a great episode! Tight plot, lots of action, plenty of close-ups, some twists and turns, stellar performance from the cast (as usual) and Jensen Ackles directing! There was a lot to love about this episode. And a couple of things that sat wrong with me. So I’ll skip doing the recap, and…

Fan Video of the Week: Supernatural Reflections 15.20 “Carry On” series finale special

Fan Video of the Week: Supernatural Reflections 15.20 “Carry On” series finale special

“No doubt… Endings are hard, but then again… nothing ever really ends, does it?…” ― Chuck Shurley This is it. I have done my articles of the fan videos for five years now so it is only fitting I will end them on the finale. It has been a long, bumpy road to get here…

Thanksgiving Fan Vid: Supernatural’s “Last Holiday”

Thanksgiving Fan Vid: Supernatural’s “Last Holiday”

“Do every act of your life as though it were the very last act of your life.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations How nice was it to come back after a LONG Hellatus and watch “Last Holiday”, the episode of warmth and pending goodbyes?  And what an hour it was! It was lovely to see Sam, Dean and…