Recap – “Jump The Shark”

I normally don’t recap the “Then” segment, but seeing the Sam and John segments from “Dead Man’s Blood” felt pretty special. Also pretty special, Dean shooting clowns and Sam firing off that homemade flamethrower. They’re so pretty when they do that!    I figure out rather quickly this is a Phil Sgriccia episode, before I even see…

Recap:  “Criss Angel Is A Douchebag”

Recap: “Criss Angel Is A Douchebag”

Just about any opinion of Supernatural these days is unpopular, so I’ll state up front I loved “Criss Angel Is A Douchebag.” Not just for the title either. This episode excelled in all areas; the writing, the directing, the acting. What puts it above others is though the superb guest acting. Who knew a magic themed episode could be…