The Heart and Soul of Supernatural ChiCon – Part 1

The Heart and Soul of Supernatural ChiCon – Part 1

Veteran convention goers say that each convention has its own personality. The convention is affected by the location, venue, stars appearing that year, the mood of the actors and the fans, the season that is airing on TV and a number of other, probably unidentifiable factors. As I think about this year’s Supernatural Chicago Convention…

VanCon: My Trip to Supernatural Mecca: Sunday

VanCon: My Trip to Supernatural Mecca: Sunday

Once again, all convention photos seen here are courtesy of Julie from Carry On. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. Sundays at Supernatural Conventions are generally considered the BIG Day. They’re the day J2 have their panels. This convention was no different. Sunday was full of energy and buzz and eager anticipation. This time, however, I wasn’t Gold,…

DallasCon Report part 2: AKA – Cowboy Hats, Princess Bubblegum And Pigs…welcome to a Supernatural convention.

DallasCon Report part 2: AKA – Cowboy Hats, Princess Bubblegum And Pigs…welcome to a Supernatural convention.

DallasCon Report part 2: AKA – Cowboy Hats, Princess Bubblegum And Pigs…welcome to a Supernatural convention.-by sweetondean Saturday… Hi! I’m back! And I’m coming to you live from the Texas Eagle train – on my way from Austin, back to Dallas. I have another 5 days before the dreaded headed home day… So I’m going…

COWBOY HATS, PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM AND PIGS…Welcome to a Supernatural Convention! Dallascon 2013 Report Part 1

COWBOY HATS, PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM AND PIGS…Welcome to a Supernatural Convention! Dallascon 2013 Report Part 1

COWBOY HATS, PRINCESS BUBBLEGUM AND PIGS…welcome to a Supernatural convention – Dallas style. Part 1 – Friday panels and Karaoke. Hi everyone! So, I’m currently on the road in Texas! I’ve not been to Texas before – well apart from a horrific transit through DFW airport from Mexico once… Actually, this trip also started with…